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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #521
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    Re: My dream diary

    Working on my grandfather's house.
    Was redoing the floor, and had a large crew of people working at raising, surfacing and balancing the floor. Started flying in the middlle of the operation (by jumping over the newly-laid floor) and continued to glide over about a foot above. Could see how the crew had cut a carpet to get the shape right, and I thought it was sloppy. One of the workers (a female foreman) was yelling at someone else for going off and getting smashed instead of working. I was amused at this, and continued to glide over the work. Then a song came on the radio 'Rock the Casbah' by the Clash, and we all started dancing to it, and I thought these were the moments people worked for, and woke up with the alarm.

    Earlier in the night I was dreaming about being in a temple that was being threatened by demonic forces coming from the outside night surroundings. It looked like a shinto temple, but I could feel the evil trying to get in, and then I invoked the power of Hindu deities (one with wings, I don't remember which (or if there are any) and the forces of the Hindu deities reconsecrated this temple and now it was invulnerable. I'm going to look this up to see if it makes sense to me.
    I'm not sure about what the symbolic content of this dream is about, but the feeling of 'goodness and holiness' was very strong and uplifting. Why the temple looked japanese is a little confusing to me, but it was not Buddhist. Go figure.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #522
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    Re: My dream diary

    It looks like it was Vishnu. Found a picture that reminds me of my dream. Will have to look into this deity.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #523
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    Re: My dream diary

    Great image; interesting dream.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  4. #524
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    Room arranging, pigeon toed.

    This one was weird.
    I was at my house (prob. a version of the house I grew up in, but with more rooms). We were trying to put more beds in my bedroom, and I was trying to decorate it with a turquoise blue chair in a corner. I was insisting to put it in a specific corner (it seemed to be important that it go there) and then someone (my mother, or a mother figure) came in and told the people that were arranging the furniture to do it differently. When they were done, the layout made more sense, as I was trying to get the beds to fit at the wrong angle for the 'new' rectangular shape of the room, and she had them put the beds in line with the long side of the room. Then it all went perfectly. There were four beds in the room, but there were only two of us sleeping in it. (The room was for three, but someone was out of it at the moment), so I don't know why the extra bed.

    After that job was done, I stepped away from the 'just rightness' of it and went into a different environment, maybe the outside of the house or another room. The thing is that I had developed a growth on my right foot, and it was turning into a bird, looked like a pigeon. The growth was now as big as my foot (you could say that my right foot was the shape of a pigeon, but it was actually superimposed with it) and it had become very big and unwieldy- then I noticed that it was starting to look bad, and it was only connected to me with a callusy piece of skin, so I decided it was now safe to cut it off. So I found these cuticle scissors and cut off the skin, and the second the growth came off my foot it lost it's waxy dead crusty look and turned into a real pigeon, that was alive. I immediately found some bird seed that I conveniently had (it was wild bird seed, but it would do for the purpose) and it ate hungrily. We sat in awe and watched it eat until it wasn't hungry any more, and then it 'kind of' said good bye and flew away. Now my foot was normal and I was glad the pigeon was alive and safe and free.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #525
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    Re: My dream diary

    Wow, I'd like to see what you do with that one should you decide to apply some kind of interpretation.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  6. #526
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    Re: My dream diary

    Was at a large open space, and there were 'blank' houses being built. They were not really 'houses', but large blank open buildings that housed large fields. I went inside one of them and inside was a tennis court. A crew of young people were painting murals in the wall. They were all 'volunteers'. I was trying to help them paint but many of them were painting flowers before I could get to the area that I meant to paint on. (Like they were actuating what I was thinking). I turned around and went into another building and there was a 'chalkboard' paint area where flowers (or patterns) were being drawn on. A similar thing happened with the artwork.

    Then we were sitting on a 'dining' room, around a table, and one other man was sitting at the table with the other people that were explaining things. The man started talking to me, and in mid-sentence he stopped talking and just stared at me. Then he very subtly turned to the right a little (his right, my left) and whispered to no one something). I said "what?" and he still didn't talk. He just stared deep into my eyes. I was about to ask "are you all right?" to him, when I realized that something energetic was happening between us, and it didn't feel right. As I looked into his eyes, the sensation of retinal fatigue started to overcome my vision and around us everything got dark. Kind of like when I connect energetically with someone IRL, except instead of bright light, it was more like cloudy-reflected darkness. I immediately realized he was doing something to me (or trying to) and I very forcefully yelled "NO!" and woke up, with my eyes wide open, and very frightened.

    I'm not sure if this was induced by something I may have watched on TV (I like certain paranormal shows) or if something was trying to come through me. It just scared the daylights out of me.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #527
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    Re: My dream diary

    I was walking around a building we owned. I walked in and entered the ice cream parlor I worked in when I was in high school. It looked like a restaurant I worked at later, but it had its own internal logic. I went to the back of the counter where they were swamped with customers. I came in, and started working. I made a point to say I wasn't working that day, but they obviously needed help so I pitched in. When the rush was over, I walked over to the back, to tell the owners I was there and working.
    In the back room there was a very large mannequin that was made of styrofoam. I felt compelled to start painting him in a realistic manner. He was dressed, and I had done his head and was doing his neck when he started moving and talking to me.
    He told me "you made me so I belong to you now" and got up to follow me.
    I was startled and a little afraid, and did not want this golem to follow me around. I said to him "I did not make you. I merely painted you. You were made by someone else, possibly a factory, possibly the owner of this establishment. That is not me". He seemed confused at this, as if he had no idea what a factory or company was.
    We walked out of this back room, and the owner was outside, possibly talking to someone else. The owner was not anyone I can identify, he was not the owner of either of the places I worked in referenced in the first part of the dream.
    The golem (how I thought of him) started to talk to the owner of the place, and the owner accused him of being a con man. then the golem said he was a real person because he had money. He pulled out a checkbook with the logo of a bank that has been connected to many disreputable actions in the economic bubble bursting in the past few years.
    The man looked at the checks and said they were toys in a kit that he sold. I was trying to explain to the man what happened when I was woken up to get up.
    As I write this I wonder at the symbolic implications this just brought up in my mind.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #528
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    Bizarre Star Trekky

    I was in this circular room, looked like an old-style star trek set (but new and shiny looking). I was being told by an unseen friend that I was stupid and I at once understood that she was only my friend for what I knew, but since I was no longer smart she wasn't really my friend, she had no use for me. I screamed at her and was very hurt. I was also angry because I identified with my mind and now it was no longer any good. I was standing in front of a console that had many buttons and I didn't know what they did, and I could not understand what the signs meant- I couldn't do the simplest thing, and instead of helping me she just laughed at me.
    After feeling hurt (very hurt, it still stung as I woke up) I decided to leave, and the (also unseen) mother of the 'friend' said something about giving me a headband for my hair, and I said no thanks, thinking that I wouldn't be back.

    I'm not sure what this internal conflict is about (I'm sure all these are versions of me) but I was very depressed this morning, or sad- for no apparent reason.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #529
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    Re: My dream diary

    I was in a place that seemed like a refugee camp, and we had all sorts of animals to care for. It was not a zoo in the normal sense, but in a way it was. I was tasked with feeding the lions, and we had to give them a sense of normalcy (hunting) but didn't want them killing anyone else in the group.
    I was taught to fill large pumpkins with dog food, and let them think they were eating someone's head- they received animal bodies (I don't know what they died of) but I was to prepare the 'fake' heads and let them find them.
    At some point later in the dream I was busy doing something else (that I forget) and I ran to prepare the heads for the lions to feed on before they attacked someone.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #530
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    Yet another 'new/old house' dream.

    Another dream of getting another house. Not sure what this is about.
    In this one the house is inhabited by the ghost of (get this) Brad Pitt and his wife (not AJ or JA, someone else). They are semitransparent, and living in it as if we weren't there, and we're in the same place but more solid- two families living in the same space in different times.
    When we first arrive there it looks abandoned, and we do some repairs (something to do with a kitchen counter), and once we're settled, we start to see the ghosts in the house. Then, when we get used to that, we go out to the back porch and there is a colony of dogs living in the porch (we have two indoor cats). Someone has been feeding them as there is a giant bag of Alpo in the wall. I look around wondering how long they've been there, and see there is no poop in the floor, although there's at least fifty dogs there and the garage door is closed. (It's a back porch which back door looks like a garage.) We start feeding them and open the back door so they can go outside. Two of the smaller dogs are having doggie sex and at first I'm alarmed, as the female dog looks like my girl cat, but when I look closely it's not her, it's a small yappy dog.
    I wake up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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