This one was a classic nightmare featuring the ex (with whom I was in an abusive relationship). Unlike the previous one (which is here: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=18046), where we were very civil to each other, this one was right back to the "being stalked by him" scenario.

In the dream, I was living in an apartment on a ground floor, and he showed up outside. I didn't know how he found me. For a while I just kept inside with the curtains drawn, hoping he'd go away, but he didn't. He kept calling my name, shouting, pounding on the door, etc., and I was feeling very trapped and upset that after all this time, he was there, hassling me!

Then the dream shifted and I was talking to him. He was making all these weird demands, I can't remember what most of them even were, but I thought (in the dream) that they were petty and rather pointless. One of the demands, I remember, was that he wanted my watch for some reason. I didn't want to give it to him, but I was starting to get a little desperate to get him to just leave, and I went to find my watch. I was feeling very resentful, and I discovered another watch that I didn't really care about, and I knew he'd never know this wasn't "my" watch, so I gave him that one.

I woke up right after that, as the alarm went off. I hit snooze a couple of times trying to go back into the dream because I was very upset and I was desperate to find a way to make him LEAVE, but I never did.

Watch = time. He's demanding my time? He isn't, I hardly ever even think of him any more, to be honest, though the echoes of our relationship still sometimes bother me if something triggers them.

I've done plenty of forgiveness rituals, tie-cutting, all of that. For years, he never showed up in my dreams at all, and I was happy about that. Now he's showing up all over the place again?! I can't work it out...