Hey everyone, whats up?

I was wondering if you can tell when you've got all your chakras(in legs and arms)open and have all the pathways going good? Is this possible to find out?

Right now i've been working on them for two day and I love the way it feels to do it. So far i've only had two feelings. One feels like when your legs fall asleep and they start waking back up (not the part that tingles but the part where it feels like they're cramping kinda and you can't stand on them)but less intense (think about how it feels right before they return to normal). The other is kind of an achey feeling in some areas (i'm guessing they are blockages or damage) like if you walk really far one day and the next morning you wake up and have that achey feeling in certain parts (once again, less intense though). I'm guessing that everything is in running order once the aches go away and the other feeling becomes a slight bit less intense? Does that sound right?

Sorry, I started babbling a little there.

Anyway, any help is greatly appreciated.

EDIT: The reason i'm asking is because I want to awaken my kundalini eventually. I was thinking that once I got to the state I mentioned above(no aches less intense)that I should continue at that stage for around 3 months and then begin trying to awaken my kundalini. Does that sound like a good plan?