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Thread: Sexual stimulation :(

  1. #1

    Sexual stimulation :(

    Dear folks,

    everytime my energy is running real good I all of a sudden feel tempted to masturbate. This happens almost every single time in energy work. I am suspecting that there are beings trying to steal my energy. I know they're atleast trying to achieve this by having the meditator fall asleep.

    Does anyone else experience this problem and have you developed any viable countermeasures besides steel strong willpower?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: Sexual stimulation :(

    'angst' is when excess energy would like a spill way of a dam give way to a flood of release. this fullness, like for any vessel, seeks expression, else it stagnates, or worse it with great pressure serves no purpose but to destructively work against the dam's purpose.

    one can work on energy, yet leave unchanged the habituations of their expressions, or lack of healthy expressions. and to be sure, there isn't anything unhealthy about masterbation, it is just release where none other is creatively drawn to the release function that puts one back toward emptiness.

    we fear emptiness for whatever reason, however, that emptiness after great sexual arousal's climax is why we become aroused to begin with. this because emotions between two persons builds to that point where words have no expression, and body language thus speaks, for the body's design is sexually given to create procreatively.

    the problem is, however, that when these energies are left to 'angst' they can become negative outlets, for they stem from one's habitual behaviors left unchanged, and in being unchanged automatically become aroused to give release where none other is creatively mastered.

    so, the thing to do, is to let go of this energy creatively, to take charge of it, so that it doesnt take charge of you.

    however, even as we are misled to believe that masterbation is wrong, that it somehow should negatively affect within ourself guilt and shame, masterbation is a healthy release after all.

    imagination and fantasy are good qualitys, otherwise we wouldnt be able to create. perhaps the only wrong is that the person, for lack of better chanelling of their energies, is allowing habitualized functions to take charge and replace one's freedom of will.

    functions like this are natural and pure, if we are in charge of them. the impurity of a function only exists when the rightful owner gives away their choice to the function.

    thus, the pure function becomes impure, but only in judge-mental thought. the functions are emotional set, having no bearing in the mental construct of thought.

    thus, emotionally, one is liberally set to be the artist and author of their given life. the mental however, paired with the physical attributes can become much maligned, if the emotional being is left to denial wherein it cycles into angst that bursts through the judgemental and forces its way out.

    that is how natural qualities may become perversely unnatural, even to become harmful to self and others, if left to themselves.

    so, no one is stealing anything from you. it is only yourself disallowing yourself to naturally release your own energies into those god given unique expressions which you've every right to.

    angst is anxiety driven, and anxiety is with held release of emotional content, such that it has grown out of proportion to any given spontaneous event present. either it finds release naturally, or it comes out disproportionately and often harmful to innocense.

    human dynamics is all it is.

    we don't have to unnaturally endure physical pain and mental anguish to remember that natural pleasure is innocently attainable for our whole nature of being.

    sexual desire is as spiritual as any other human attribute/quality.

    desire in and of itself is pure and spiritual in it's arousing emotional field, then physical, then mental. for one certainly does not need one's mental constructive brain to give permission to what naturally brings pleasure. but one does require it be along for the climactic ride.

    concentual partnering does not begin on the mental level, as it arrives as desire which is present before any field following spiritual. it is only the given state of one's emotional field, as in, is it free to express or is it held hostage by fields that ought to following the emotional's lead.

    kinda like if one's mental took an ill fated lead, physically holding a leash extended behind itself to the collared emotional. this would be completely backwards, you see.

    the spiritual leads, thus behind it is emotional, behind that is physical and in the uttermost rear to be silent unless called upon is the mental. thus, Jesus said, "Satan, get thee behind me", for he recognized what within Himself was forcing a misled conclusion, and in mastering that misleading step, He put it in the correct order, such that purity of order steps out from the present moment.

    it is only when a quality would mislead, it being incorrectly out of order, that that quality would become impure and unnatural, thus being adversarial to the natural innocent whole being, thus being labeled as "satan".

    i pretty much dont have a short and simple answer. sorry

    the world outlying cannot sustain the whole body in it's correct order. yet we feed backwardsly from the world. in the correct order, however, the natural whole order of being may from itself feed to what is our shared world.

    these pure forms of what is humanly capable are those which are not forgotten to humanity. this, even as mankind yet backwardly drives on. the miracle is ever true, that even as mankind is backwardly driven it yet senses without doubt the truth when it is present.

    though, as mankind moves toward its collective future, much left to hearsay, though true to its historical moment, is swallowed up in fronted mental judgements world fed in the present moment of doubt.

    thus, is humanity the stream and mankind the fish in that stream, strangely so. nature's finest glory, much like the salmon that do as they do when the desire arouses them to do it. except, we are not as salmon, for we question every answer that would in its spiritual order of wholeness, by pure desire, set us free in natural expression.

    what a mystery is human. what a glorious outcoming when we realize that even we in our unnatural bents/vents, are in those unnaturals naturally becoming our nature understood.

    so, you see, will power does not come from the mental, it arrives to the mental field lastly, having originated in the spiritual. will power is not permission or permissiveness, will power is natural god given desire to live freely in peace. peace that is ever beyond understanding, for peace leads and understanding follows if it will, such that the mental field which would understand is dead last to speak only when spoken to/provoked to speak.

    hindsight is 20/20, so keep your sight in the rear and your sentient origins in the front.

    does not the lighted trail follow in the wholeness of what is a shooting star? life goes by fast, enjoy.

    peace to ya,

    I Don't Ever Give Up:

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Sunny Climes
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    Re: Sexual stimulation :(

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiny
    Dear folks,

    everytime my energy is running real good I all of a sudden feel tempted to masturbate. This happens almost every single time in energy work. I am suspecting that there are beings trying to steal my energy. I know they're atleast trying to achieve this by having the meditator fall asleep.

    Does anyone else experience this problem and have you developed any viable countermeasures besides steel strong willpower?

    I used to have this problem when I started doing NEW-the way I got around this was to do feet, legs and then jump over the root chakra completely and go to the sacral chakra, (which I know is associated with sex) and keep on going upwards.
    The reason I bypassed the root chakra (the sexual stimulation thing) is because the root chakra is also associated with sex (the 'earthy' kind) while the sacral chakra is associated with the creative fluid aspect of sex, which is not 'sex' per se but an aspect of creativity. Plus, the society we live in has such an antagonistic relationship to sex (they tell us it's wrong and at the same time bombard us with sex for the purpose of selling something) that that part of the root chakra is already pre-stimulated enough, and will become part of the circuit while the rest of it is engaged.

    After you have a good overall flow going (and balance is established- could be weeks) then do the 'regular' root chakra stimulation in its 'proper' sequence and see what happens- and go back and forth until you can have flow without the sexual side effects.

    Here is what Robert Bruce says about this: ... n-two.html

    And scroll down to

    "It is quite normal to feel some fairly strong throbbing sensations in the groin crease centres, and even to feel some slight sexual arousal; especially when you first begin working on them. This does not normally cause any problems so please do not become alarmed, unless these sensations become intense or overly distracting. If sexual arousal is felt as starting, immediately move onto the next exercise, as this is a sure sign the groin crease centres have become active."

    ...And he goes on to give more advice.

    If you like reading, there is a book called 'The Inner Core' it's a Metaphysical Christian book in which the author speaks about this problem amongst other things.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    South Coast, NSW, Australia
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    Re: Sexual stimulation :(

    Tiny, here's something for your consideration from Robert Moss's Conscious Dreaming*, Crown Trade paperbacks, New York, 1996, p.124

    ...What the men in white coats have not told us is what was known to the artist at Lascaux**, twenty thousand years before EEGs: that penile erection (in men) is the most consistent physical reaction associated with journey out of the body. This is more than a casual side effect. The same energy that may be released in the physical act of sex is harnessed and used like a jet propellent. In the language of the East, this is the raising of kundalini, the "serpent power," and is the heart of real magic.

    He goes on to say,

    One of the easiest ways to initiate a journey outside your physical body is to become sexually aroused without expending that energy in immediate physical gratification....If you are experimenting alone, you should try to... switch the energy to the second plane, beyond the physical.

    but adds

    There is a dual challenge in this. The first is to honour your natural sex energy without fear or guilt, without confusing the underlying force with the purely physical expression of sexuality. The second is to avoid losing your fundamental purpose in the party scenes you may encounter on the lower levels of the astral planes.

    *A very good book that I just happened to be reading, btw.
    **The Lascaux cave art referenced depicts shamans with erections.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

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