
The challenge is not real. It is rigged and not winnable. Many fine psychics and etc have done this.

Basically, before you begin, you assign all copyright of test data to ♥♥♥♥♥. The small print you sign says you will accept his opinion as final. So, even if you levitate before him, or perform the most amazing stuff, he'll just say 'don't know how you did it, but I know its a fake, and that's my opinion'.

They use this to discredit people. They've tried it on me. Its unwinnable, and I don't think he's good for the money anyway.

Followers of ♥♥♥♥♥ are banned from these forums as they are troublemakers. Long story.

Open minded skeptics are great./ I am one myself. Closed minded skeptics are like obsessed religious fanatics. A real conversation is not possible.

What you are experiencing is called 'astral voices and noises'. This is a form of clairaudience. These can be very real. You can also hear the thoughts and words of other projectors (real people). Also spirits and etc. These are best ignored.

I used to listen to my children chatting with each other, while they were asleep. They told all and they thought I was a mind reader....I heard all their little schemes and secrets....grin. They often kept me awake at night...there was no shutting them up.
