Dear Sir,

Dashka's Stone is one of objects (among a few hundred more) whose origin gives to think to (non mainstream) researchers.


Seems to be part, perhaps, of a giant map whose whole integrity would serve as display of Earth from a geographical viewpoint. There are indicia, may be today exists some bits (like Dashka's stone) spread somewhere, but (I think) perhaps serving as building patch or filling for terrain leveling (ironical, ¿isn't it?).

But the most amazing is its age, about 120.000.000 (one hundred twenty million) of years (far far beyond Atlantis times) done some estimates from shells (C-14 aging) included in its structure.

My viewpoint about this, is ancient civilizations could have rise, ¿why not?, even thousands millons of years ago. Done adaptations of body system to climate and atmospherical gaseous content, humans (like those organisms discovered at ocean dorsal; i.e.: extremophiles) could had survived even at dangerous and hostile environments.

Of sure, you has done explorations along Askasic Register ¿what have been your observations? ¿it's so recent emergence of civilizations on Earth? ¿Or following ancient hindu scriptures, man emerged as soon as Earth appear (a few thousands millons of years ago)?

My best regards,