Dear Sir

It is known how easy is for a child to learn. That's a capability hard to accomplish by an adult, mainly cos mind energies are engaged in work problems, marriage problems, descendance problems, economical problems, etc. etc., and that all leads adults to a inner state of tension that becomes learning difficult, if not impossible.

At early life times, abscense of such inner tension, makes learning too easy. If my memory serves well there are a strong relation between deep relax and superlearning; and that may be one reason at time of explaining why children are so brilliant.

Now, at today culture there are two categories of children, or, may be, the two are the same: Ã♥ndigo children and prodigy children.

Despite relation between relaxation and learning capability, ¿there are some beyond evident? ¿Perhaps a strong relation between a partially awaken Kundalini, a strong energy body that makes easy communication Higher Self/Child, biology features leading to enhanced brain functions, a special type of relation children/ambient, etc.?

¿What do you (and, may be, your son: Benjamin Bruce) can assert about this two (¿or simply one?) children mindset?

My best regards,