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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #481
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    Re: My dream diary

    Between six and seven am:
    I was driving a van. Suddenly I felt a shadow, an oppression, and I knew something evil wanted to manifest. I had a bag with magical implements, and opened up a blue sheet in which I was going to bind the entity. I then opened up another sheet where I knew the entity was attached, and it had the marking of a little graphic of Picachu (yes, the Pokemon). It was embroidered in the fabric. I began to rub it and as I did the embroidered figure began to assume a 3D shape. I knew I was evoking it in that spot, and the plan was to find out what it was, what it wanted and then to dissolve it. (And no, I've never done anything like that in waking life). Then the alarm went off and I woke up to find that I was sideways with my finger rubbing against the bedsheet, like in the dream.
    Then I got up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #482
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    Re: My dream diary

    We were driving in the highway and looked at the opposite side (to our left) of the road, when there was a huge flock of birds flying at car level. They flew next to us and when an approaching car came close, they would swoop upwards and then go back to car level. It was spectacular, and we were marveling at how they 'played chicken' with the traffic, when I looked up and saw a bald eagle flying overhead, and all of a sudden he plummeted down on the roof of our car and thumped the roof, then flew up again. We were amazed to see that there was some sort of animal (rodent?) on the roof of our car and he had seen it, come down and grabbed it. I could see his large talons as he flew up with prey in hand, and with a sort of global vision could also see the dent he left on our roof.
    Then it merged into another dream,
    In which we were driving to our old house (that we sold) and moving in there. We had brought our two cats, but in the old house our deceased cat was there, and she had another cat friend, and then our cats ran together with them. We settled in and watched them play together like cats do, chasing each other and running around.
    After we spent the weekend there, we packed our stuff and came back to our house. We only brought the living cats back, left the other cats there. In my dream knowledge, I 'knew' that my husband wanted to live in both houses at the same time, and had devised a method to stay in our present house from monday to friday, and then we'd pack our family and stay in the old house, where my old pets were in a strange arrangement- they had a 'special' door in which they could come into the property that our living cats couldn't use.
    At the end of the weekend, after packing and getting things ready for the week, we went to bed and I laid down next to my husband and told him "I don't want to keep going to the old house, I want to fully live in our house full-time". He then responded "you have bad breath" (sleep breath) to me. I then woke up in the same position as in the dream, except that my husband hadn't said anything.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #483
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    Re: My dream diary

    Lots of dreams, last night. The one that I remember is (surprisingly) not the last one in the morning- this one was in the middle of the night (around 4am, technically the morning).
    We were staying in the house I grew up in. (We being my present family). My husband heard some commotion outside, and went to see. Then my son and I were in the house. All of a sudden we hear screaming, people telling us to get out of the house. When we look out the front door and side window, we see fire three or four houses down the street. A fireman is knocking at the door telling us to get out. I tell my son to get his stuff, and we run out the door. I see that the house on fire is three houses down from us, too close for comfort.
    I then wonder why my husband isn't hosing the grass and walls down, a standard thing people do when fire threatens. Then I remember that houses in PR are made of concrete and we shouldn't worry. We just stand there and watch the firemen putting the fire out. My hubby comes back from wherever he was and sees we're ok.
    I wake up briefly and move on to another dream.
    In the morning dream there is a name I'm given, that starts with J; I think it was Jacob. In the past couple of days I've been given names, not sure why, and I haven't written them down- too tired to bother.
    ps. I know where the fire motif is coming from- a poster my son was working on yesterday which involved a background in flames, and the fact that I've been working with elements again in my hermetics work.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #484
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    Re: My dream diary

    Two remembered dreams, nonlucid (but with 'life' memories in the second one)
    I'm at war, I'm a soldier. At first it's traumatic and there is a lot of haphazard killing. Guys don't really know what they're doing, they're trigger happy. I'm worried they're going to kill civilians or each other. In the beginning I'm shooting at everything, no control whatsoever.
    As the dream progresses I become more cautious, keep my weapon pointed up and move along clay walls and staircases with care, and manage to get into a building/stronghold/safehouse without weapon use, and unseen. i see others have gained control of themselves. I fade out and fade into another scene, with a limited memory of this dream, and full awareness of my present 'me', but not lucid.
    Here I'm in a field, and I see a martial arts teacher, he is fat and old. He is teaching and I join the class. The place is dilapidated and the students are undisciplined. There is something wrong with him, he has lost the desire to teach 'the right thing'. I approach the scene and I see this is one spot in the middle of the previous scenery (warlike)- like an oasis in the desert, surrounded with bombs and artillery sounds. The area we are in is out in the open, although it is green with grass and trees. As I approach the sensei I see an old poster in a broken-down barn, and there is a poster of him when he was young, thin, in shape, and he's accompanied with two famous figures. I realize he used to be a trainer for important people, and has now declined physically and spiritually too.
    I then approach him and he turns into a female (?) then I offer to hold the class inside my house, which is safe from the bombs. (?) She looks at me skeptically and the dream ends.
    Note: The sensei was not anyone I know in real life, either aspect of him.
    The 'safe' house was similar to my present house, but bigger.
    I think there was lightning last night, so that may account for the warlike scenario. Maybe.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #485
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    Re: My dream diary

    Woke up in pain, got up, walked around and went back to bed. Went to sleep in a position that didn't give me pain.
    Started dreaming that I was going into a hospital. Had the awareness of 'another place' but not that I was dreaming. I was told by a 'doctor' that I had cancer. The doctor said 'we told you two years ago that you had cancer. Did you get treatment?' I told him that as soon as I returned to 'regular life' I forgot I had cancer so I didn't have treatment. He said 'well now it's too late'. I said something along the lines of 'If I stay here, will it progress, or if I stay ignorant of it will it just not exist?" and he didn't really answer me.
    I woke up, disturbed about this dream (and about the one I had four years ago) and went back to sleep, and continued in the same 'place' with the same 'knowledge' that I was about to die. The alarm went off before I 'died', so I guess I'll have to see what happens next.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #486
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    Re: My dream diary

    I spent most of the night having various kinds of nightmares. The "impending death" dream got mixed up with various other images, and a lot of it was confusing and chaotic.
    Part of it was impressed by my receiving a note yesterday from a deceased friend- what happened is that her daughter sent me some pictures of all of us years gone by and she used her mother's address labels. When I got it in the mail it freaked me out a little, and once I opened it I figured out her daughter must have done it. To top it, one of the pictures was recent (from last week) and she looked a lot like her mother did when we used to hang out- sending chills up my spine. Like she was still here but not really.
    Later on I found out that we had a major lightning storm last night and I slept through it. Apparently my hubby and son woke up with the very loud thunderbolt that made everyone else jump. They got up and turned the TV on, were up around an hour and then went back to bed. I slept through the whole thing, and knew nothing of it until my son told me this morning.
    Weird. It didn't wake me but it sure gave me nightmares with explosions too.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #487
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    Re: My dream diary

    Last night was one spent in a type of "life review", but not of waking reality. It was as if my whole 'dream life' was going in front of my eyes, remembering stuff that happened 'before'. There were specific themes, such as the beach and the water, but the 'facts' escape me. It was not sad or melancholy, and there was an element of 'being taught' in it.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #488
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    Not sure what.

    This was one of those 'middle of the night' things, and I'm not sure if I was 'out' out, or 'just' dreaming, but there was something I was doing that I recently learned about (that I referenced in my blog) I hope helps in my physical body. I did it and then went back to sleep, which is why I don't remember much else.
    I think it was successful, because I woke up with a feeling of accomplishment.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #489
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    Re: My dream diary

    Last night I dreamed that I was covered in these large poxy looking blisters- and when I looked down my legs were shrunken, as if the insides were getting smaller. I went to the doctor (the astral doctor, lol) and he told me that my problems were caused by all the yogurt I've been eating (I have been, for weeks now). He said that the enzymes in the yogurt were making my blood too thick, and it wasn't able to reach all the places it had to, so the insides of my legs and my left arm were slowly dying from lack of blood, and he told me that this was the cause of my problems. He also told me he had warned be about the excessive yogurt intake before but I hadn't heeded his advice.
    In the dream it seemed to make sense.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #490
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    Another housekeeping dream

    My subconscious was busy last night clearing stuff symbolically.
    I was in a big beautiful house that was surrounded by a pool that abutted a natural waterway, perhaps a lake or a mangrove. I went into the water when I noticed it was full of garbage. I knew in the dream that I was in a mindscape and I was to symbolically remove obstacles and 'mind garbage' from my own self.
    I began with garbage close to the water, diving in and taking it out- cups, paper, 'manmade things', and as I delved out into the more natural parts of the pool (where it abutted with the mangrove) there were rocks and plants growing in the water, and I started removing them. As I worked the water began to clear (it was dark and murky at first). I awoke before it cleared completely, but it had improved a lot at the time I woke up.
    I had full lucidity on what I was supposed to do.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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