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Thread: DNA test evidence for 'alien' species on Earth

  1. #1

    DNA test evidence for 'alien' species on Earth

    I find this fascinating. They DNA-sequenced it and now are even doing a complete scan. It seems to be 'alien' compared to any humanoid form discovered so far.

    DNA evidence:

    "THE STARCHILD SKULL is a genuine 900-year-old bone skull found in Mexico in the 1930s. The Starchild Project is an informal organization which began in 1999 when Ray and Melanie Young, the owners of the Starchild Skull, asked Lloyd Pye to head research efforts to determine what caused the unusual shape and properties of the bone.The results uncovered by the research team ruled out all known deformities [click to read the report], and presented the scientific community with a genetic and physical profile never before seen on Earth. Now new DNA findings indicate that the Starchild Skull may well be “alien”! Now all that remains is to determine whether alien means “foreign to normal human genetics within the framework of that subject as it is currently understood,” or “definitely not from planet Earth”…. or something in between."
    Check also more pages on this informative site countering some skeptic's claims that it is human (deformed child), including of course the 'impeccable expert editors' of the infallible almighty Wackypedia.

    Here's the most recent video with newest evidence from a specific gene sequence:

    Here's more videos from YT, including a Coast to Coast interview:
    Last edited by CFTraveler; 17th February 2014 at 03:07 PM.
    This collector of useless clutter.

  2. #2

    Re: Skull's DNA analysis shows proof of non-human ('alien') on Earth 900 years ago?

    This is from Dr. Greer's blog. It is not about the starchild skull but another probable 'biological' ET body. Same topic, that's why I append it here. It is now examined in the same way as the Starchild skull by medical/anatomical experts and DNA specialists. This one is a 'whole' biological body though, with tissue, flesh bones and all that comes with it. So far they seem certain it is not any kind of human deformity or a fetal abortion (the most likely if not an alien) or an animal (ape or whatever) - but a 'real' ET. See links and quotes below.

    Blog Entry October 2012:

    After many weeks of travel, we are back to report that amazing results have been obtained from our study of the small possible ET body which was discussed in an earlier blog post.

    Dr. Bravo, Emery Smith and I traveled to the country that is now home to this small possible ET body and were able to successfully obtain extensive X-Ray and CT Scans of the entire body. We were also able to obtain DNA samples under sterile, surgical conditions. These DNA samples are now being studied by one of the world’s top geneticists.

    The X-Ray and CT scan show an intact, actual biological humanoid organism, without question. Astonishing 3-D images were able to be constructed of the body from the detailed CT scan, and we were able to see internal organs such as lungs and what I am fairly sure is a heart structure.
    These images have just been examined by the world’s foremost authority on skeletal abnormalities, dysplasias and fetal skeletal syndromes and he has stated that this being is unlike any known skeletal structure found in humans. We also know that it is not an ancient hominid, and while humanoid, not apparently human.

    Both this expert as well as the radiologist who is head of the imaging center where all X-rays and CTs were done have stated that the bone density precludes the body being that of a 20-22 week aborted human fetus. There is just too much calcium in the bone for this being to have been the result of a fetus of that age. Both doctors feel that the being was post-natal at the time of death (that is had lived for some time outside the womb, if indeed a womb is involved…).

    The procedures for the DNA studies are complex and time-consuming. Literally the state-of-the-art technology available on earth will be brought to bear on this study, and the team of experts are without a doubt the most advanced and professional team that could possibly be assembled. The DNA studies will take around 2 months, and possibly longer.

    We hope to provide some of these results, and the detailed CT and X-ray images, in the film Sirius. (See

    The STAR team has provided film footage of our trip including the examination and surgical procedures performed on the small being, as well as the CT scan and X-rays to the A. Kaleka and the Neverending Light team to use in the film Sirius.

    We have also completed the Sirius Lecture Event in Santa Monica CA which was a great success and standing room only. A big thank you to all of you who came out to make that event a wonderful and historic event!

    We have transferred to Neverending light hundred of UFO photos, video tapes, dozens of top-secret witness testimony and top-secret government documents as well as other materials for the film At this point there is enough evidence in hand for a 20 part series! We hope the film Sirius will be completed in December, 2012 and I will be further interviewed by NEL in November prior to our Contact expedition to the CA desert Nov. 10-17.

    I would like to thank all of you for the enthusiastic support you have provided to this historic film project Sirius. Without you, none of this would be possible!

    - Steven M. Greer MD
    Earlier Blog Entry July 2012:


    There is a chance that we may be able to include in the film “Sirius” the scientific testing of a possible Extraterrestrial Biological Entity (EBE) that has been recovered and is deceased. This EBE is in the possession of a cooperative institute desiring further scientific evaluation of the possible ET. We cannot reveal at this time the location of this being or the name of the person or persons who possess it.

    Dr. Jan Bravo- who is a STAR Board member and a fellow Emergency Physician- and I have actually visited the group that possesses this EBE and have personally and professionally examined the being. It is indeed an actual deceased body, and most certainly is not plastic or man-made. It has a head, 2 arms and 2 legs and is humanoid . We have seen and examined X-Rays of the being. Its anatomy however is not homo sapien (modern human) or any known hominid (predecessors to humans).

    As you can imagine, the security and scientific issues surrounding the further testing of this potentially explosive and world- changing evidence are mind-boggling. However, we feel we simply must proceed expeditiously but cautiously. The cost of doing proper MRI testing, full and dispositive forensic-level DNA testing and carbon dating with other isotope testing are considerable and certainly not currently funded. We must rule out other hominids, bizarre genetic defects and so forth. But it is most certainly an actual biological specimen – and it may be – well, what it looks like.

    If you can assist further with funding the campaign for Sirius we will attempt to carry out this scientific inquiry, however daunting it may be. We are currently investigating what these costs will be, but they will certainly be in the tens of thousands of dollars and perhaps more.

    Dr. Bravo, myself, Dr. Ted Loder, Professor Emeritus University of New Hampshire, and other scientists who wish to remain confidential will be doing the examinations and testing. A top DNA lab will be engaged for appropriate DNA evaluation.

    The only reason I mention this sensitive matter at this time is that in order for this possible ET body to be properly evaluated and disclosed in “Sirius” – which is planned for completion in December 2012- we must act immediately. We will need your help with funding this and the rest of “Sirius”. And we cannot buy the safety and security that millions of people knowing about what we are doing can afford. Shadowy classified projects would prefer for us not to proceed, just as they wished that we not proceed with in 2001. But we did. And we are here to tell the tale because millions of people knew what we were doing well before that historic event.

    You the public are our shield. You are our protectors, along with providence. While the testing will be confidential and done very discreetly until results are known- the fact that we are pursuing this evidence must be known by millions of people in order for us to be protected. Tell everyone you know-now.

    The worst case scenario is that this being is not what it appears to be. But if it is: My God!

    Please help us if you can.

    - Steven M. Greer MD
    This collector of useless clutter.

  3. #3

    Re: Skull's DNA analysis shows proof of non-human ('alien') on Earth 900 years ago?

    Here's another from the Starchild project, answering some of the critics:!
    This collector of useless clutter.

  4. #4
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    Re: Skull's DNA analysis shows proof of non-human ('alien') on Earth 900 years ago?

    Lloyd Pye is very knowledgeable- I've read many of his columns in Fate mag.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5

    Re: Skull's DNA analysis shows proof of non-human ('alien') on Earth 900 years ago?

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    Lloyd Pye is very knowledgeable- I've read many of his columns in Fate mag.
    Well, yes. But that does not mean that every of his conclusions are spot-on. I have now watched one of his talks. The first part is excellent in my opinion as it deals with the Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yeti sightings and aligns them with probable ancient humanoids (he hypothesises that they actually ARE those humanoids or at least their descendants). Considering the fact that almost up to 50% (still, but diminishing) or so of Earth's entire surface is still un'conquered' territory by humans this even makes some sense. It is a thrilling watch - especially the first part! - and therefore I recommend it:

    On the other hand, in the second part he seems to fully subscribe to Sitchin's Annunaki (genetically engineered human slaves for gold mining) theory and even connects it with chemtrailing in the end (! spreading gold in the atmosphere to stop global warming ..... )

    This is where it gets a little dubious or even ludicrous to me and also highly speculative (but stated almost 'as fact' by him). In the end it gets better again with new developments in genetic research (still one should bear in mind this talk is from 1999). So, if you leave out the Annunaki-Sitchen hypothesis/lore it is still an excellent and interesting lecture, imv.
    This collector of useless clutter.

  6. #6

    Re: Skull's DNA analysis shows proof of non-human ('alien') on Earth 900 years ago?

    Only just saw this thread. It looks like the end of 2012 will be an eye-opener - for the film "Sirius", and perhaps more...

    I hadn't visited Dr. Greer's sites for a few days, so your updates here were much appreciated.

  7. #7
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    Re: Skull's DNA analysis shows proof of non-human ('alien') on Earth 900 years ago?

    I didn't mean I agree with him, I just find him very informed.
    I also agree what you say about Sitchin, and many other interpretations of various other things (like pretty much all the Sitchin information, most cryptozoology, and many other things.
    I remember I think it was him and Loren Coleman that used to debate about Bigfoot- I always saw it Coleman's way. (I'm talking ages ago, I have no idea if any of them write for Fate anymore. After my mom passed I kept forgetting to renew my subscription and it just dropped off my conscious awareness, but I used to enjoy it immensely.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #8

    Re: Skull's DNA analysis shows proof of non-human ('alien') on Earth 900 years ago?

    Here's an update from Greer's team:

    We have been writing at some length about the research around the little 6″ Being. We are still awaiting results. The preeminent scientist who is doing the DNA testing has been keeping us informed of his progress and is now setting up his lab for the testing.

    It is important for you to know how Dr. Greer’s mind works and why his evidence about the Extraterrestrial issue is so extraordinary. The work around this Being is an example. Years ago, Dr. Greer met with the principles at the Institute that has possession of this little Being. They spoke at length and described how it was found in the Atacama desert in South America and how people near where the Being was found spoke about seeing these Beings and egg shaped ET craft.

    Dr. Greer put that information together with the testimony of Jonathan Weygandt who as a Marine was in that area at the site of a downed egg shaped ET craft. Both the film interview with Weygandt and his transcribed testimony have been provided to the filmmakers. Weygandt’s testimony is fascinating because not only was he right next to this craft that he describes as “shaped something between an egg and a teardrop”, “dynamic” and “really organic”, but he felt the occupants of the craft were trying to communicate with him. Extraordinary! And from a Marine! (You can read his testimony in “Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History”.)

    It is Dr. Greer’s genius that he is able to put together credible testimony from disparate sources to create a more complete picture of the reality of ETs visiting planet earth. This complexity of information is what the STAR team is hoping to share with you in this film.
    So far, unfortunately no further update on the "Starchild skull". Did they find some obstacles? Or found out it's human after all? Unlikely for me as the DNA tests were out and obviously (so they say) do not relate to any human or animal species on this planet. Here's the latest from June:

    It seems that L. Pyes is doing the same as Greer's team and wants to do a theater movie too, which he is collecting funds for:
    This collector of useless clutter.

  9. #9

    Re: Skull's DNA analysis shows proof of non-human ('alien') on Earth 900 years ago?

    I've seen that this thread deserves an update on the Atacama Humanoid discovered by Dr. S. Greer featured in the movie Sirius of which I talked about. I saw this movie and can recommend it.

    Although the scientist there said it is 'mainly' human DNS-wise, it's definitely an "unknown" variety of a human who without doubt lived and walked around (in that size!) and has some amount of unknown ('alien') DNA.

    We cannot say the Atacama Humanoid is an ET. Nor is he any known – or clinically conceivable – human that could have lived. So who is he? He remains a mystery, and perhaps- just perhaps- a doorway to discovering much about who we are.
    I still believe it's a human-ET hybrid. Don't forget: This guy walked the Earth like this and is not an aborted fetus. An unknown humanoid species that roamed our Earth a long time ago (or not so long?) is another possibility. However, what do we know anyway about how prehistoric humanoids came about?
    This collector of useless clutter.

  10. #10

    Re: Skull's DNA analysis shows proof of non-human ('alien') on Earth 900 years ago?

    The actual reason why I digged out this thread was a third installment:

    After the "Starchild Skull" and the "Atacama Humanoid" we have the "Nephilim" Elongated Skulls from Peru now out with "shocking" preliminary DNA results.

    The results of a DNA analysis of one of the skulls are now back, and Brien Foerster, author of more than ten books and an authority on the ancient elongated headed people of South America, has just revealed the preliminary results of the analysis. He reports on the geneticist's findings
    It had mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far. But a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample indicate that if these mutations will hold we are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans.
    The implications are of course huge. “I am not sure it will even fit into the known evolutionary tree,” the geneticist wrote. He added that if the Paracas individuals were so biologically different, they would not have been able to interbreed with humans.
    General info on these skulls (before the DNA-testing):

    An interview with the researcher a few days ago:

    In this revealing interview, Brien Foerster sheds lights on DNA testing undertaken on one of the Paracas elongated skulls. More than 300 of these elongated skulls have already been found and physical features suggest that the skulls were not the result of head binding or head flattening practices.
    Brien Foerster reveals new details about the recent genetic testing carried out on one of the Paracas skulls and what exactly the DNA analysis showed. He also shares his own theory about the findings and discusses what will happen now that this initial result has been announced.
    This collector of useless clutter.

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