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Thread: 8 year old daughter is astral projecting

  1. #1

    8 year old daughter is astral projecting

    Hello to all,
    first of all, let me apologize for being a bit of an OBE newbie..i found this forum mainly to find more information on how i can guide and give responsible information to my 8 year old daughter, who has recently told me some pretty amazing things about her astral experiences...
    she told me a while back of these "dreams" she's had of flying over her body and going to different places in the small town that we live in, the small capital city of Slovenia, Ljubljana (we are American expats) be honest i had never totally believed this was even possible, I've never had one, and i was a skeptic...but how could she know about astral projections at this age? and with such detail..she even mentions when going through thicker walls, it can be difficult and a bit scary, so she goes through windows instead. she told me she met a girl and her mother one night in her astral projection experience that introduced themselves and asked my daughter if she was daughter said she was not, and they explained that they are, and that they died in a plane crash when the plane hit something. i asked her when this happened, and my daughter had remembered the year they told her.. well, i checked this out on google, and guess what, there was a plane crash that very year that hit a mountain in Corsica while the plane was bound back for Slovenia, the country where we live. it is the only fatal plane crash ever from Slovenia's only airline, and many families were on board....i got the most incredible chills....there is no way she could just know these facts from a plane crash almost 35 years i am very intrigued with my daughter's astral projection experiences and am grateful for any advice on how to go from here with her....thank you very much.

  2. #2

    Re: 8 year old daughter is astral projecting

    Hello Astrid,how wonderful for both of you . I'm sure you will have good advice from people on this site.What I want to say here is you have a great opportunity here to learn yourself from her and maybe if your not frightened of the idea of projecting you could look into trying yourself.
    * Maybe you could ask her to tell you every time she has one so you could keep a journal of her experiences.
    *. Be there for her when she wants to talk about something to do with an experience.
    * Believe her!
    * Keep her away from any violent scenes on the television before bed. Violent or frightening scenes that could cause a not so nice
    experience. No killing violent video games as she gets into her teens. ( probably more a boys thing) I wouldn't advise you to talk
    of the fear issue because it sounds she is doing just fine and it may play on her mind and create.
    * I would also advise Not to let her think she is anymore special than any of her friends .
    They just don't remember

    What a wonderful opportunity for you to learn . Now that you've found this site how about learning for yourself the techniques .
    I find it a bit sad that the mother and daughter were still hanging around.( but then she may have gone back intime ? There are
    other possibilities )

    Ps, I agree with your daughter about the wall. When I've gone through my bedroom wall ( external wall) slowly there is almost resistance and the darkness got darker. Even the attic took a while seeing the fibres of the insulation but on this occasion I think it was just because I was still close to my physical body.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    In a dream, somewhere finding my way home

    Re: 8 year old daughter is astral projecting

    That's rather amazing!

    Sounds like your daughter still knows who she is. If there's no fear on her end during these, then I'd encourage you to help her simply understand how her mind is shaping the experience so she can maximize her expressions in love while OOB and enjoy her creations!

    I don't know that having her read something would help, but it may, depending on her maturity. I almost wish there was a kid's book for this, perhaps we, the members of AD should drum up a guide for children and their possibly concerned parents, if one doesn't already exist?

    (no admins, I'm really NOT trying to create work...promise:
    Know Thyself

  4. #4
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    Re: 8 year old daughter is astral projecting

    I have thought of this, and I have shared how I explained the phenomenon when my son was 8- (Must be the age when they realize it's happening as something 'different' enough to share it with the parents, before learning that 'these things don't happen', but I don't know if my approach would work for everyone, being that there is a lot of belief system influence in any explanation of the experience.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    In a dream, somewhere finding my way home

    Re: 8 year old daughter is astral projecting

    I can see it now, "So your little one is flying the Astral!"

    That would make a great book title, right?

    Or maybe we just do the gig on the serious adults becoming wide-eyed children again. Oh wait, we already got programs for that, but they're taking everything far too seriously already!

    Last edited by SoulSail; 3rd December 2014 at 01:24 AM. Reason: Grammar. Jeez.
    Know Thyself

  6. #6

    Re: 8 year old daughter is astral projecting

    Another book title to get the kids attention .
    ' How to get out when grounded.'

  7. #7

    Re: 8 year old daughter is astral projecting

    Quote Originally Posted by susan View Post
    Hello Astrid,how wonderful for both of you . I'm sure you will have good advice from people on this site.What I want to say here is you have a great opportunity here to learn yourself from her and maybe if your not frightened of the idea of projecting you could look into trying yourself.
    * Maybe you could ask her to tell you every time she has one so you could keep a journal of her experiences.
    *. Be there for her when she wants to talk about something to do with an experience.
    * Believe her!
    * Keep her away from any violent scenes on the television before bed. Violent or frightening scenes that could cause a not so nice
    experience. No killing violent video games as she gets into her teens. ( probably more a boys thing) I wouldn't advise you to talk
    of the fear issue because it sounds she is doing just fine and it may play on her mind and create.
    * I would also advise Not to let her think she is anymore special than any of her friends .
    They just don't remember

    What a wonderful opportunity for you to learn . Now that you've found this site how about learning for yourself the techniques .
    I find it a bit sad that the mother and daughter were still hanging around.( but then she may have gone back intime ? There are
    other possibilities )

    Ps, I agree with your daughter about the wall. When I've gone through my bedroom wall ( external wall) slowly there is almost resistance and the darkness got darker. Even the attic took a while seeing the fibres of the insulation but on this occasion I think it was just because I was still close to my physical body.
    thank you for your reply and advice!! i have definitely been as encouraging and positive as possible toward her about these experiences and although a formerly self admitted skeptic, i do know enough metaphysically to realize that these astral projections flow according our energies and thoughts attracting them. with out intending to scare her, my husband unfortunately mentioned something to her about how it "could be dangerous", so she sort of got that into her mind, and now says she is more afraid to do it, so i have talked to her about keeping positive energy and love in her OBE's and if she ever feels negative energy she always has to option to will that into positive or simply go back into her body immediately. my mother has also experienced this many times and had a nice talk with her about it and then sent some great links on youtube about astral projection that she thought would be good for her age. you're all right, a book for kids about this would be terrific, but of course would be balked at by some...

    i would love to have this experience, and am looking into more about it. i have some pretty irregular sleep patterns lately so it could be tough, but i would really like to have one. i will try some of the methods i've ready about..and be patient )

    all best!

  8. #8

    Re: 8 year old daughter is astral projecting

    a children's book is such a great idea for this!! my mother has looked into it, but has yet to find anything...

    i will definitely keep her in a positive mind set about it and help her understand the flow of her own mind and how it shapes the experience, as you said...i think it's pretty amazing, myself..and wish i could do it, too! have been doing some research into it and will remain patient..perhaps at some point i can have this same kind of experience!

  9. #9

    Re: 8 year old daughter is astral projecting

    How about starting that journal on behalf of your daughter. One day when older she herself could do that book for children with all the recorded knowledge. Kids relate to kids better I think .

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Pittsburgh, Pa

    Re: 8 year old daughter is astral projecting

    Greetings Astrid1
    I would like to make a comment here that is Not advice per se but more like something to think about. It is possible that during one of your child's OBEs she might learn something that will have practicable importance and significance for you and your family. So encourage her to tell you if she does have any OBEs or dreams where something important happens to her or you or family or friends. Such 'precognitive' events are actually quite rare yet they DO happen from time to time. Your daughter may be gifted with an ability and something similar may happen to her.

    Hope this helds

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