1. #251


    -cup of soothing lavender tea
    -lavender oil
    -vegan chocolate
    -all the great vegan food i ate today
    -going tanning today
    -deciding i am going to try going oil-free in my diet and see what happens
    -more breakthroughs with the inner work i've been doing that's been very profound and helpful. as soon as i woke up,i had a memory come to which made me angry which caused me to choose an emotion to work on and breakthrough
    -how high my vibe has been
    -cruelty free beauty products
    -getting some work writing done
    -getting a kind of publicity offer possibility that was very random. perhaps a sign of by vibe opening up more to manifest
    -great sleep lately
    -signs that are positive
    -feeling spiritually cleansed
    -increased detachment
    -the physical exercise i did today
    -positive transformation
    -a feeling today that all is well,and fears i had before were so silly,and not needed and that all is fine and look how today passed and the feeling i felt intuitively about it

  2. #252


    -saying no to l. i wasn't sure i wanted to go suddenly,and thinking about several red flags,and then realized with the work i've been doing,i'm clearing regret which means feeling comfortable saying no.without feeling bad about it,not saying yes more often perse,though that's a part of it. But,by saying no without regret,I will say yes more often by not feeling regret,thus recreating the negative emotion i had memorized which i cleared. So,this felt like a perfect test,reminding me of last year. choosing the path of least resistance and trusting life to continue to provide for me. if i really cleared regret,i can say no with ease. And,i'm creating intentions that people i want to hang out with invite me out in perfect ways in the future. So,this was a no brainer,it suddenly came to me to say no. So,i did. and,i felt so happy,and free and was trying to be nice to him,being playful,maybe too much and he told me to f--- off. it showed me a lot,that this whole time,he was bad vibes,and i strung him along for god knows why,and that he wasn't the right choice. i didn't let him bring my mood down though and considered it a good test with other limiting beliefs i've cleared. When you are in alignment,you say yes to things for the joy of it,not seeing lack.
    -my amazing life changing book
    -giving up tarot,it's the perfect time to. the month is almost over,the book is,i've just cleared a ton of beliefs,and am on the brink of change and manifestation,that was the only thing holding me back. it keeps me in waiting patterns and i'm done waiting. it's been 24 hrs. i decided to get myself a treat if i make it to 24 hours. 24 hours is not a big deal,though. Even a week isn't. I've mostly not gone more then a week without tarot,but i have. In may,i did but that was a time that's not the best to check spiritual progress because it was such a hard a month,and so not seeing many benefits doesn't count for much. But,in a month where i'm feeling amazing,is much better. So,i need to get past a whole month. since october,i've been addicted to it and now i'm done. Even just playing around with it,and doing it just for fun,is done. I realized the root cause of what makes me check it so know how to find other ways to satiate that now.
    -great sleep. fell asleep very early last night after meditating,i felt knocked out,and like i couldn't stay awake any longer. interesting sleeping dreams,too
    -how amazing i feel today,and high energy
    -deciding to give up oil
    -feeling like all is well
    -best friend and how amazing he is
    -a new month coming up
    -moving art and performance that hits you and is just what you needed to see

  3. #253


    -summer rain
    -a cat hanging out with me for awhile here,and that he's pretty chill and quiet which makes it easy to not forge much connection
    -working in the industry i do which allows me a unique life and keeps me young and trendy
    -all the fun things there are to do
    -2 1/2 days now with no tarot,and entering the stage of feeling blah from it which is good,it means i'm making progress.
    -love songs
    -my place in life,my purpose,my interests,and things that inspire me
    -keeping my authenticity and loving it instead of questioning it or wanting to conform
    -sexy men
    -people who live unique,unconventional lives
    -my apartment
    -my brother getting a phone
    -finding out e is out of town again since wed or thurs which was kind of reassuring. he literally has been out of town or busy with things for weeks,it seems his summers are always like this
    -forgiving myself for certain vices since i'm giving up tarot right now
    -fun things that pop up when in high vibration
    -how i actually feel better that l is out of the picture now. it feels right.-
    -the animal rights movement
    -blogging and how great my blog actually looks
    -how interesting of a person i am
    -after feeling a little blah towards mid day(maybe because of weather),quickly seeing how easy it'd be to shoot it back up and that i've slacked a bit on exercise,didn't meditate yesterday,and my diet has been a little worse and going through tarot withdrawals so there's things i can fix to boost my mood and to be patient about
    -how amazing and free and motivated i felt again today for most of the day
    -the internet
    -allergies from cat going away
    -feeling excited for future things
    -feeling relaxed about life and not rushing
    -transformation and how fascinating it is to see how people have changed and how different they become,it's amazing.i feel nowadays people change personas and their image and inner shifts so often nowadays. of course,the 20's is a precious age,and i meet interesting people
    -all the fun things there are to do,i feel no lack of options
    -getting a little work done today
    -how amazing it is to wake up in a good mood
    -the highlights in my hair
    -accepting imperfection and the abstract
    -getting pic sent to me of my loved one who passed on seeing her look so happy and in the moment without me from a few years ago
    dejavu feeling i got last night
    -how young my face looks today
    -the highlights in my hair
    -how good it feels to be a feminine essence
    Last edited by buttercup; 27th June 2015 at 02:49 AM.

  4. #254


    -how easy the cat has been to care for
    -how amazing today's class was and deciding to do that this weekend and how great it is for right now with my goals to release energy and cultivate my feminine energy
    -califia iced vegan coffee. so great in the summer. so great tasting
    -great music from different genres and moods
    -doing the exact things i want and how great that feels
    -learning new moves
    -waking up earlier lately
    -deciding to give up pil from my diet and starting with oil that is visible for now such as olive oil on potatoes
    -my plans this coming week
    -essential oils
    -working on cultivating feminine energy
    -flip flops
    -great neighborhoods
    -when things aren't too expensive and do-able
    -face massage and face yoga
    -my flexibility
    -only buying vegan foods while grocery shopping last night
    -using a painful experience last night to understand the loa and inspire me with a change to make
    -that best friend has decided to now comitt himself to 100% vegetarian
    --nourishing my cravings yesterday even though they were weird(reeses cups) and now deciding to get back on track with diet and fitness
    -living life fully
    -my immersion and love for all things feminine and beauty and how i've made that large part of my life
    -sexy guys
    -my taste and interest in things
    -deciding i'll have a protein shake for dinner today since i've not been drinking enough of them
    -giving away some old purses and things in my kitchen today that i feel no longer are working for me
    -deep breathing and slow movement
    -getting bathroom cleaned
    -the cat getting a bath today and seeing how excited he is to see my mom when she comes by
    -great serendiptous timing with articles that make life's chapters seem to close out in chapters,very fascinating
    -how focused i've been and using a tip i seen on here about focusing on corpus calloseum to do so
    -self acceptance
    -new experiences
    -appreciation for animals

  5. #255


    -one full day of no oil that is added on my own/visible
    -5 1/2 days of no tarot
    -getting my mother's cat to reunite with my brother's cat and how beautiful it was,a moment where the one cat was too scared being in an unfamiliar place and the other cat started licking him and comforting him a bit,which relaxed him basically telling him it's ok you can relax,it's nice to see you,and then letting him be. he did this twice,followed him a bit,but then continued enjoying human attention. the other cat,i could read his eyes,had a block from coming out where he was hiding,and the cat loved him,and comforted him,while accepting him where he was going through,and understanding him without letting his mood dip. it was inspiring. love and detachment. love how zen felines are. and proving that they'd still recognize each other,and not fight,which i already knew and was nice to prove.
    -these cat litterbox liners things that make cleaning a litterbox take 10 seconds. love it. wish i had used it before back with my cat. so time saving and effective
    -this iced coffee i bought and how delicious it is
    -my meditation today which i made sure to do
    -joyous things
    -summer reading
    -love songs
    -that i let go of of e. he's hardly been on my mind and i feel fine about it
    -summer dance classes
    -that best friend is now a vegetarian
    -forgiveness for myself
    -my eyeglasses
    -forgiveness from best friend for my moody sudden panic attack i had last night and how it triggered a lot of old trauma wounds
    -self acceptance
    -how detached my mind has been
    -nice,soothing baths and my amazing body scrub i love
    -the solfeggios i listened to tonight that boosted my mood right up quickly
    -not getting as phased by things now,and being more zen
    -slow moving and deep cleansing breaths
    -getting a little work done
    -feeling like the rest of the work i have to get done will be easy
    -my calcium magnesium vitamin d and zinc supplement i take
    -face massage
    -the new instagram follows and likes
    -being a dreamer

  6. #256


    ¿Are we forgetting to express gratitude about characters like Robert Bruce? I explored entire list and didn't found reference to him.

  7. #257
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by -asalantu- View Post
    ¿Are we forgetting to express gratitude about characters like Robert Bruce? I explored entire list and didn't found reference to him.
    I have expressed several times my Gratitude to Robert Bruce for being so curagous for talking open and freely about subjects like out of body and we are not our bodies....He have saved my sanity for not going crazy for all the negativity I Daily I hope he have understood and Heard how happy I am for finding him and his Community...It was through Monroe Institut I got the info about RB...I have grown so much during this years I have bean a menber of this Community. Thank you RB and everyone too, thank you.I love you all.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  8. #258


    -great music
    -avoiding engaging in toxic/negative vibes. several tests have come up,and i just remind myself what a happy,successful person would do.
    -my plans this weekend i'm looking forward to
    -sportsbras for providing me comfort
    -how randomly young my face looks today. i look like i'm 12-15 in my face. so cool.
    -going tanning today
    -how excited i am that it's almost time to move finally,and feeling calm about it and excited about the new energy of a new neighborhood more aligned with me and where i'm headed
    -iced mocha coffee from grocery store i love made with almond milk
    -adorable,heart warming animal videos online
    -good digestion
    -positive signs
    -all the limiting beliefs i cleared and wounds i healed in june and how great that is on my energy
    -waking up feeling great today for the first time in a few days,very well rested and like i could've woken up hours earlier
    -avoiding toxic temptations and staying strong,knowing my perseverance will better me. six days strong without tarot now.
    -the possibilities
    -being a dreamer
    -that it's been pretty enjoyable having the cat here
    -seeing things so much more positively lately
    -deep,slow cleansing breaths as a part of my daily routine
    -positive changes
    -feeling like i have a lot of time in my day today
    -feeling relaxed about things in life
    -yoga stretches for relieving muscle soreness

  9. #259


    -laughter and how healing it is
    -the sun
    -fresh air
    -a run/walk at the park and how vivid everything seemed and felt
    -feeling like i can go through with my plans now and feeling much physically better
    -letting my mind wander and visualize for a bit and how good that felt and boosted my mood
    -positive signs
    -finding these vitamin ca capsules with enzymes which i didnt know i had which made me feel 90% better instantly upon taking and i had been wanting to try enzymes,too. such a cool random find
    -getting the kitchen about half clean
    -how alive life feels. getting sick always seems to do this to me. make me feel awful and negative sometimes then cozy and my senses feel more alive and i feel more alive and life feels revitalized with new hope and energy going forward. it's like a shedding.
    -how sickness always seems to make me see what i did wrong and feel ready to renew and recharge and be more revitalized once better. i literally want to think sickness is the universe's way of healing.i kept telling myself during "resurrect." as in i'm being resurrected to a new,better me
    -a book i might want to buy
    -new intentions
    -going on a for real,weight loss plan starting once 100% and tracing the keys to all this problems which i'll delve into more with my processes soon. thinking no oil diet may be ridiculous and that i really just need to move a heck of a lot more in my day to day.for years in an undesirable living situation with anxiety issues,i was practically bed ridden,it was when i moved out,the body issues started cropping up as if the universe telling me now i have to do more,to offset all of that giving me a leniancy to not have it happen while in that situation but starting once out of it.i want to be a much more active person anyways,and will figure this out.
    -deciding to go ahead and make the cake anyways even though ill probably just bring fruit now
    -how much more boosted my mood became(i suspect best friend seeing me suffer sent me positive energy)
    -carrot juice and how healing it is
    --finding peace and optimism in the little things,like how lovely the sky sounded earlier with the quiet sounds of the birds and such
    -face and head massage in the shower. for some reason found that very helpful which makes sense actually
    -being easy on myself for now. one thing at a time.
    -the cat and how sweet looking he is with his little actions he does
    -all the things i want to do now that i'm better and new me i want to be
    -sweet memories
    -a photo like from someone from the past today that is in alignment with my goals which is kind of weird. oddly enough,detaching from computer has made me detach from my wants a little and seems to be life is showing me little flickers/teasers when i'm either really happy and in the vortex or completely removing myself in mind from things. i am going to start spending much less time on computer as one of many goals here on out.i also just have a very good feeling about things in life.

  10. #260


    -vegan food
    -these new purple funky looking but very cozy looking and very fitting to my personality bohemian looking pants i bought today. best friend didn't like them,but i decided to get them anyways because i just knew i'd want to live in them
    -the cat being relatively easy to stay here
    -the cat litter box liners
    -getting back to my meditations today and starting my third limiting belief and how profound it was. it was very surprising all the surrounding stuff that came up,and the timing of how exactly this was what needed to be cleared next and how interconnected to everything else it was. doing this work is also very much confronting things about yourself that may make you uncomfortable and have been hiding about yourself. it's shedding away the layers to release those resistances. with this third one being integrated,i feel like i am going to be a much much different person now,like i can't even recognize myself. people who haven't seen me in awhile when they see me again it'll be interesting. of course,i'm always a lot different by the time i see people i haven't seen in awhile that i imagine they must find it intriguing.i remember ex crush A. the first time he met me,i was so timid and shy,it was like i was mute and i'm sure i just seemed very uncomfortable,weird,and goody two shoes. by the time he seen me a few years later through serendipity,here i was in control,still shy,but and insecure but also confident and not freakishly shy but more sociable. just being able to converse with me period was big. i also wasn't intimidated by him by then and i just felt like a whole different person in comparison. the odd thing though,was i remember thinking he seemed the exact same and thinking it almost kind of sad.
    -my eyeglasses
    -how integrated the first limiting belief i cleared already is
    -living room being clean
    -making action decisions to help facilitate a goal of mine including one that is so obvious and subtle but will be a big thing and being able to get more to the core cause of what caused this problem and being honest with myself about it
    -getting a website blocker to block the tarot site i go to since i started doing it again when i felt sick. this will work because i've never been tempted to go to other sites and wouldn't be the type to go unblock the site. also something happening to show how tarot is so not what you think of interpretations-wise which was a relief since i had gotten a negative one and assumed one thing,and it actually was something way,way different just like another recent tarot thing. the readings are too ambiguous to be useful and dramatize things to be far more major then they are for the most part. I think the problem is i just honestly find it so fun and the symbolisms fascinating but i have an addictive personality and it conflicts with my beliefs too much
    -rooftop swimming pools
    -getting more comfortable with myself,and expressing myself in a way that is me
    -being fearless and doing what's fun and not caring what others think
    -meeting vegans in my city,and how fascinating it was that they're just like all the diverse types i read and watch about in vlogs and blogs and such. from the no oil health vegan who is so her diet is everything girl to the vigilant activist type who is against anything other then vigilance to the spiritualist who is actually vegetarian,and so on,it was interesting
    -living in a big city
    -doing cool things
    -taking cool pics with my phone
    -cool sceneries
    -seeing the positive in getting sick and feeling like it was a shedding i needed to go through. could be crazy,but i feel like this may have happened before at times of change
    -summer fun
    -making a vegan fourth of july cake and how beautiful it came out that as soon as i seen it,i was like yep,this is worth it,seeing how beautiful these strawberries look,and the colors,and the feelings the cake conjures up of thinking of summer fun and holidays and that i made it,was like yep this is my special moment of the week right here,my 2nd in a row of aiming for 4 within the month
    -fireworks and seeing an amazing fireworks show
    -having a really laidback,zen fourth of july
    -great music
    -fitting into clothes from when i was 18 years old still and being in love with a skirt from then that fits perfectly
    -weight finally going down a little
    -delicious grapes,and watermelon and both being so sweet,like canddy
    -feeling gratitude throughout the day about things
    -cute swimsuits
    -noticing it's natural for me nowadays and has been for awhile to move kind of slowly throughout my day
    -getting some catnip for the cat
    -that i can feel my energy has been more feminine lately which is part of my 2nd limiting belief work i did
    -knowing what i want and what makes me happy and where i want to fit
    -getting lots of little signs of coming into alignment with old desires of mine. it's quite interesting,these little mini manifestations!
    -being firm and knowledable in my power
    -cool events i'm being invited to and finding out about
    -getting a 2nd draft done to work thing i want to finish
    -sounds of the trains going by and how peaceful it is
    -feeling like change is around the corner;as in external change
    -tuning into my feelings and being ok with not needing to figure it all out
    -how i looked more attractive at the end of being sick and after as if i'd just had inner healing,too.
    -feeling like everything is going to be ok. like i've arrived to the mountain and can rest now.
    -bird's eye view perspective on life
    -cute neighborhoods
    -how lively and secure my neighborhood seemed last night. it was kind of nice.
    -face massage and yoga
    -scalp massage
    -how toned and slender and shapely my arms look
    -all the amazing realizations the past 3 weeks.

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