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Thread: The new society thread

  1. #1

    The new society thread

    While trying to be intuitive as much as I can, my mind is basically logic-driven. Just like with most of people.

    Perhaps it's fortunate, as the "reason" and "reasoning" is deeply rooted in our society. This is where and how we can build a bridge to introduce new ideas.

    When younger, I believed that our society can change in a time-span of one generation. Now I started to think that it's not going to happen. The society changes indeed, but not too fast, particularly deeper layers stay almost unmoved.

    Therefore, there need to be some ways on thinking of society as a whole to be altared and clarified, I believe.

    Before XX-th century
    Mentality of people were different. There were some "worse" things and "better" things in the old times about the society. But the fact is that there was not so much alienation and isolation (except of the territorial) then. People were natural, developing basically independently, free from so much distraction and interference as children today have to face, unprepared.

    XX-th century
    The changes in about the recent 100 years around the globe and so made a great impact of how humanity lives. Possibly the single biggest turning point was the ending of the II world war, which re-shaped the whole world actually upside down. Emergence of the "new order" on the planet, placing USA in the center of culture and economy, essentially was very needed, as the rest of the world was deeply immersed in ossified conservatism, including Europe. This led us to the world as we know it today.

    Hippie movement
    Arguably, the biggest social revolution in the recent 100 years has happened in the 60's of the XXth century. Although it didn't last for too long (and I wasn't fortunate eonugh to live in those times to experience it by myself directly), it changed the general awareness and approach to living, giving also many ideas and inspired the new generation to come in next decades.

    XXI-th century
    The biggest shift in the shape of our world has occurred not that far ago: the creation of internet has changed really a lot... but still not that much as it could (and should).

    This means that there are still lots of ideas on using the internet to be developed. And, as always in the human society so far, the most invention comes when the needs arise - and those usually arise, unfortunetely, in the fields of military or economy only. The recent (several years) growth of companies like airbnb or uber show that clearly.

    The changes
    In the upcoming posts I, and hopefully others as well, am going to share ideas on some new views and reflections on the society and living in general - the changes.

    Some of the authors writing in 70's often referred to emergence of a new era. So, after these few decades, we can say that it is actually a new era, yet probably very different from what they expected - media tell us that it's called the "information age". I must admit that I disagree.*

    But in general, I think that after the 60's, the society is again loosing its sense of direction. 2000's brought even more consumerism, counter-ecological events and imbalanced, purely financially-oriented endeavors dominated the global picture.

    The core subjects
    Here's a short list of things that when considered I think are in the center of reasons where lay the key to a better 'world', and what actually 'world' means? It's obviously not complete.

    Why did the hippie movement failed

    Does society need some new clearer diversity and freedom in choice

    Do we need the diversity based on the political and spatial territory, instead of a personal philosophy

    How the planet will look like (including the environment) after next 2-3 decades

    Is scientific idelogy be dominating (or the only) available option

    Do religions has any place in the upcoming centuries

    Does esoterics area need a totally new view and reshaping

    How psychic skills and abilities should be involved in our lives

    How raising children could change

    How education system should change

    How general social awareness and responsibility may change

    How social contacts should look like

    Where is a place for an art, and how should it be involved

    Where is a place for non-logical (right-brain basically) way of thinking

    How much people are really free in their personal choices, aside from the schemes imposed by the general society, and how much support exist there for such a freedom in personal choice

    and many others, many of which are to be introduced later, to not overwhelm with too many (and there are many enough I guess), but don't hesitate to introduce a new ones

    ...does any of these subjects sounds interesting to you? any ideas to share?

    * it seems that it's rather an age of mental chaos, delusion, personal and social uncertainity, and global war of capitalist domination
    Last edited by Antares; 13th September 2019 at 12:47 PM.

  2. #2

    Re: The new society thread

    I see it this way:

    Technology quotient divided by love equals n
    n x work = money

    and the rest is human nature doing what it wants.

    What? I am saying technology is/was/will be doing everything except that which you humanity selfishly want. And if you want money, you should work.

  3. #3
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    Re: The new society thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
    While trying to be intuitive as much as I can, my mind is basically logic-driven. Just like with most of people.

    Perhaps it's fortunate, as the "reason" and "reasoning" is deeply rooted in our society. This is where and how we can build a bridge to introduce new ideas.

    When younger, I believed that our society can change in a time-span of one generation. Now I started to think that it's not going to happen. The society changes indeed, but not too fast, particularly deeper layers stay almost unmoved.

    Therefore, there need to be some ways on thinking of society as a whole to be altared and clarified, I believe.

    Before XX-th century
    Mentality of people were different. There were some "worse" things and "better" things in the old times about the society. But the fact is that there was not so much alienation and isolation (except of the territorial) then. People were natural, developing basically independently, free from so much distraction and interference as children today have to face, unprepared.

    XX-th century
    The changes in about the recent 100 years around the globe and so made a great impact of how humanity lives. Possibly the single biggest turning point was the ending of the II world war, which re-shaped the whole world actually upside down. Emergence of the "new order" on the planet, placing USA in the center of culture and economy, essentially was very needed, as the rest of the world was deeply immersed in ossified conservatism, including Europe. This led us to the world as we know it today.

    Hippie movement
    Arguably, the biggest social revolution in the recent 100 years has happened in the 60's of the XXth century. Although it didn't last for too long (and I wasn't fortunate eonugh to live in those times to experience it by myself directly), it changed the general awareness and approach to living, giving also many ideas and inspired the new generation to come in next decades.

    XXI-th century
    The biggest shift in the shape of our world has occurred not that far ago: the creation of internet has changed really a lot... but still not that much as it could (and should).

    This means that there are still lots of ideas on using the internet to be developed. And, as always in the human society so far, the most invention comes when the needs arise - and those usually arise, unfortunetely, in the fields of military or economy only. The recent (several years) growth of companies like airbnb or uber show that clearly.

    The changes
    In the upcoming posts I, and hopefully others as well, am going to share ideas on some new views and reflections on the society and living in general - the changes.

    Some of the authors writing in 70's often referred to emergence of a new era. So, after these few decades, we can say that it is actually a new era, yet probably very different from what they expected - media tell us that it's called the "information age". I must admit that I disagree.*

    But in general, I think that after the 60's, the society is again loosing its sense of direction. 2000's brought even more consumerism, counter-ecological events and imbalanced, purely financially-oriented endeavors dominated the global picture.

    The core subjects
    Here's a short list of things that when considered I think are in the center of reasons where lay the key to a better 'world', and what actually 'world' means? It's obviously not complete.

    Why did the hippie movement failed

    Does society need some new clearer diversity and freedom in choice

    Do we need the diversity based on the political and spatial territory, instead of a personal philosophy

    How the planet will look like (including the environment) after next 2-3 decades

    Is scientific idelogy be dominating (or the only) available option

    Do religions has any place in the upcoming centuries

    Does esoterics area need a totally new view and reshaping

    How psychic skills and abilities should be involved in our lives

    How raising children could change

    How education system should change

    How general social awareness and responsibility may change

    How social contacts should look like

    Where is a place for an art, and how should it be involved

    Where is a place for non-logical (right-brain basically) way of thinking

    How much people are really free in their personal choices, aside from the schemes imposed by the general society, and how much support exist there for such a freedom in personal choice

    and many others, many of which are to be introduced later, to not overwhelm with too many (and there are many enough I guess), but don't hesitate to introduce a new ones

    ...does any of these subjects sounds interesting to you? any ideas to share?

    * it seems that it's rather an age of mental chaos, delusion, personal and social uncertainity, and global war of capitalist domination
    This is a fascinating and complex thread, and I'll be coming back to it eventually. A lot to think about.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #4

    Re: The new society thread

    Quote Originally Posted by olyris View Post
    Technology quotient divided by love equals n
    n x work = money
    Well... I don't condemn anything and anyone. I don't quite think that the amount of money (or its equivalent you might come up with) always determines amount of work or, well, feelings. Nor that removing money from the "life equation" will change much.

    The work is a seperate subject in itself, but indeed it's probably one of those which requires most urgent response. At this point my guess is that there are no easy solutions to it (it's very complex, as it touches all the existing jobs), but it's more related to the current mentality of the human society. The new inspiration is therefore needed I think, aside from creating a new equations

    IMHO if the technology, money or anything else involved in increasing the overall GDP was done with a different intent, the "love - money" equation would also change.

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    This is a fascinating and complex thread, and I'll be coming back to it eventually. A lot to think about.
    Yes it is complex, I agree... But keeping the "big picture" approach may make it much more simpler to think. Reducing the ideas and issues to their essence and removing unnecessery details may help to get a clearer view of things. The prevailing idea is, I guess, related to having a practical working solutions, more than attempting of having a perfect ideas Therefore I'm trying to keep things possibly simple. These are just the existing pretty well known issues about the world put into a nutshell
    Last edited by Antares; 13th September 2019 at 08:18 PM.

  5. #5

    Re: The new society thread

    You could suppose that money is essentially spare proof - of family, friends, lovers. Thinking: it could all be done for free but for a many case of "short memory."

    I would like to think it's all going to be about fun, whenever the world realises its education.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2013

    Re: The new society thread

    Hi Antares and everyone.

    I think that has to be started by the inviroment where we are living in ...our is ridiculous that scientiest is looking for a new planet where we can move to because we have destroyed the Earth...??!! Instead of reparing the damage we caused the is not too late to do the right thing…..

    I Think why the hippie era failed was the drugs and the total lack of live without any structure is not the way to succeed.

    One Think also is to value every Life form....plants....animals...and humans and other spiecies and respect instead of destroying and killing.

    Education school systems must start to notice what level of understanding/knowledge the pupils are and be flexible to meet theires needs instead of same consept to all and the brightes ones get bored and fall out.

    Raising the Children parents must take more responsibillity and seek help more quickly if they are not capable to manage by them selfs...but not to put the Child in some caring home or likely but to put the whole family there is not healthy to Point out that it is the Childs wrong when it is the adults fault they did not sort out them selves Before they got preagnant….as it is have survived their childhood without wound/injury/insult....human mind is to get even and many take out this on their Children and it goes on and on ...generation after generation.

    There is so much to say about this...I stop here.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #7

    Re: The new society thread

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    it is ridiculous that scientiest is looking for a new planet where we can move to because we have destroyed the Earth...??!! Instead of reparing the damage we caused the is not too late to do the right thing…..
    Yes, exactly. There's often no sense in what "people in charge", like scientists, are talking about. And people think that it's must be this way they are telling them.
    Just to think what do they want to achieve there, on the another planet? With the same viewpoints they hold now? If they even found such a planet, it's going to be just another castarophe. Problems are either solved, or repeated endlessly.

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Raising the Children parents must take more responsibillity and seek help more quickly if they are not capable to manage by them selfs...
    I'm afraid this is not going to succeed. "Musts" rarely succeed.
    Look at the teenager parents, or a bit older than teenagers. There's no awareness in society on many things, including raising children - this probably is the key point here.
    At the end, it's the education system that fails to provide proper understanding and preparation, instead pushing into minds of kids all the garbage they neither care about nor is useful to them in most. In other words, it's not educating - it's just an informative chaos put into the minds of kids, and later adults on the regular basis.

    I didn't live in the hippie times, so I can only understand it from the secondary sources, but my view on the hippie movement is this:
    * there was no supporting "bottom" ground to them, but just a vague ideals, which appeared to be not sufficient for all
    * no true, honest leaders
    * the life style proposed and lived by wasn't good for all I think, and in time people get scattered more and more
    * too massive and no common agreement - so too many ideas from too many people at the same time before the prevailing ideas found the "ground" to root themselves
    * and perhaps was too revolutionary, and most ofthe society would rejected it anyway

    I think that the excellent thing about the hippie movement, except that it happened anyway as a balance to increasing overall consumerism and artificiality in the society of 50s and 60s, was the rise of new views, which we may now verify and take those ideas (not necesserily direct solutions or forms) which are the most attractive and actually needed now.

  8. #8
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    Re: The new society thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
    Yes, exactly. There's often no sense in what "people in charge", like scientists, are talking about. And people think that it's must be this way they are telling them.
    Just to think what do they want to achieve there, on the another planet? With the same viewpoints they hold now? If they even found such a planet, it's going to be just another castarophe. Problems are either solved, or repeated endlessly.

    I'm afraid this is not going to succeed. "Musts" rarely succeed.
    Look at the teenager parents, or a bit older than teenagers. There's no awareness in society on many things, including raising children - this probably is the key point here.
    At the end, it's the education system that fails to provide proper understanding and preparation, instead pushing into minds of kids all the garbage they neither care about nor is useful to them in most. In other words, it's not educating - it's just an informative chaos put into the minds of kids, and later adults on the regular basis.

    I didn't live in the hippie times, so I can only understand it from the secondary sources, but my view on the hippie movement is this:
    * there was no supporting "bottom" ground to them, but just a vague ideals, which appeared to be not sufficient for all
    * no true, honest leaders
    * the life style proposed and lived by wasn't good for all I think, and in time people get scattered more and more
    * too massive and no common agreement - so too many ideas from too many people at the same time before the prevailing ideas found the "ground" to root themselves
    * and perhaps was too revolutionary, and most ofthe society would rejected it anyway

    I think that the excellent thing about the hippie movement, except that it happened anyway as a balance to increasing overall consumerism and artificiality in the society of 50s and 60s, was the rise of new views, which we may now verify and take those ideas (not necesserily direct solutions or forms) which are the most attractive and actually needed now.
    Yes, I am talking more deeply about the parenting thing….when I say they must sort them out first Before they get preagnent….is to understand deeply what is requred from them to guide the Child in right direction to give the feeling/knowing Life is presious and wonderful and that human mind is chattered in too many ways...parents to know of the own skills what they have...I am now talking about the 6th sense......I hope you understand that I am not talking here about the ordinary chaos ...but the deeper level that has to be understood Before to get a Child...not a Product of a night out partying and so on....

    Yes the hippie era was too many ideas and no guidance ….but it was a very healthy show more freedom and freedom does create more ideas...go back more to organic living without the poisoning of the agricuture and so on.....yes there is so much to say and what has to be changed for us to get healthy World on all aspects and levels of mind. But still I Believe that too much drugs is never good it will destroy the brain….I was Young on the -70...I did see much what drugs did do to my friends and many died too Young.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #9

    Re: The new society thread

    There were many "hippie movements" before in history, stressing liberty and nature and free spirituality.

    Romanticism of the 17/18. century comes to mind. A trans-European movement in art (literture, painting, music, poetry, etc.) stressing transcendence in nature, the supernatural, personal freedom, individuality and liberty, also a focus on the power of imagination. It was a counter-culture to the age of 'rationality' and 'materialism' of that time.
    This collector of useless clutter.

  10. #10
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    Re: The new society thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinera View Post
    There were many "hippie movements" before in history, stressing liberty and nature and free spirituality.

    Romanticism of the 17/18. century comes to mind. A trans-European movement in art (literture, painting, music, poetry, etc.) stressing transcendence in nature, the supernatural, personal freedom, individuality and liberty, also a focus on the power of imagination. It was a counter-culture to the age of 'rationality' and 'materialism' of that time.
    Yes, why does not humans learn...repeat same chaos over and over again….??!...History is showing the madness of humans!! and it goes on and on ….
    Does this tell that everyone should only care of own development?? That all who is in charge just mess it up over and over again?! ..History is full of crazy psyhopaths who just like destruction….over and over again….Love and Beauty never wins….just destruction….I can´t accept this ever...ever!!
    But how to turn tables?? How stop wars and drugs??

    How to start growing healty food and minds??!!

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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