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Thread: phoney reviewers...

  1. #1
    Guest phoney reviewers...

    Hey, go to and take a look at some of the reviews giving Astral Dynamics 1 star. Click on their name...they all seem to be "workers" for another author named "Sapphire". How low can they be?

    This bothers me because Amazon reviews influence a lot of people to decide whether or not they'll buy something. What these people are doing is crude, and they should be ashamed of themselves.

    Honestly, click on the reviewer's username...they ALL review Sapphire's books 5 stars, while constantly bashing anything Robert does. Something's not right there...

    By the way, sorry if this is the wrong section to post this.

  2. #2
    Akashic_Librarian Guest
    These are just foolish people that obviously have deluded concepts of robert bruce or are hired by this Sapphire person. Claiming ridiculously that you can project within a week. Utter nonsense.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
    Blog Entries
    My understanding is that Sapphire was a forum about Astral Projection that went under. Some of the people that used to post there now post either here or at the Astral Pulse. I wonder if they have anything to say about this.... like, were they prompted to have these 'opinions'?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Is no one running Do they exist in a vacuum and run on perpetual motion? Thanks for tracking down that someone is bashing Robert Bruce, Radiant, but where is the address for all of us to write to to complain where it will do some good? Who do we talk to over there?

  5. #5
    enoch Guest
    It happens all the time on the web, because it's so unrestricted. Best to to root out the alternative reviews on various websites before comitting. btw..I've never found a bad word said about RB!

  6. #6
    kiwibonga Guest
    They haven't necessarily been hired, they could be one angry person with too much free time and several accounts -- notice how the level of English is the same in all those posts...

  7. #7
    enoch Guest
    bad reviews can also be left by people who do not share the same beliefs and/or attitudes that the book is promoting. I noticed a scathing review for one of Graham Hancock's books once - it was totally unfounded and misleading and it was left by an anthropologist who didn't agree with Hancock's theories.

  8. #8
    sash Guest
    The best resolve would be for more people to write encouraging reviews to outweigh the negative ones.

  9. #9
    nzeman Guest
    I thought I would quote one of these ridiculous reviews that makes no sense at all and is filled with outright falsehoods. I reported the review to Amazon, for whatever good it will do.

    "This book has no astral projection methods, but meditations methods, this is why Robert is keep telling you, this is an OBE. This is why when Robert Bruce never seen his own body during projection.

    Robert Bruce has never seen any devine beings, isn't this telling you something.

    I regret I got this book, there are better book out there.

    This is waste of money and time."

  10. #10
    enoch Guest
    It's a very poor review...anyone can see that...but there is nugget of truth in it. Let me explain (without being disrespectful). The majority of the book (i have astral dynamics so I'm referring to that) is made up of traditional methods of relaxation/meditation/energy work. It really isn't anything that you wouldn't find in other metaphysical books. But the good thing about it is that Robert has incorporated all these separate methods and, through experience, is providing an OBE method that he claims works. To debate whether RB is telling the truth is about as constructive as debating whether God exists - we can't probe Robert's mind to find any truth so the issue kinda leaves the intellectual arena. It's pointless. Personally, and without any disrespect again, I have noted many contradictions in AD over the years, but the wealth of info in there is something I return to time and again. The big plus for me is that I was utilising methods similar to RB's long before I'd even come across his book....which says something about the possibility of there being an almost universal exit technique out there somewhere.

    Pseudo science aside (and this book is a testament to it) there isn;t a better book on the market!


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