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Thread: Negative Energy

  1. #1
    Snowman23 Guest

    Negative Energy

    What affects can negative energy (Like a family conflict) have on the energy body? Is it major or minor?

    Also, are there any ways to clean up a home from negative energy build up?


  2. #2

    Re: Negative Energy

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman23
    What affects can negative energy (Like a family conflict) have on the energy body? Is it major or minor?

    Also, are there any ways to clean up a home from negative energy build up?

    That's a rather general question. The answer is identical to the question of what affects can a traffic accident have on the physical body. Basically it could be anywhere from nothing to catastrophic, barely noticeable to permanent. Recovery might involve nothing, intense effort, or impossible.

    Use the search function for topics: clearing, protection, grounding, shielding

    Also depending on the situation NEGs may have taken advantage of the situation and taken up residence.
    Sin nada (Nothing is impossible)

  3. #3
    oath Guest
    The main trait of much negative energy is that it destroys the positive. The best way to go about clearing out negative energy is to stop creating it. Garlic works well to get rid of it as it is absorbitive, but you cant always use that so its important to be mindful of the energy being created.

  4. #4
    thehammer Guest
    Just so I don't have to start another thread and waste space...

    Does anyone know of the effects negative music can have on the energy body?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehammer
    Just so I don't have to start another thread and waste space...

    Does anyone know of the effects negative music can have on the energy body?
    try this:
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #6
    jalef Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by thehammer
    Just so I don't have to start another thread and waste space...

    Does anyone know of the effects negative music can have on the energy body?
    what is negative music?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Negative music? I for one consider negative music anything that tells you to kill yourself or hurt others. I'm sure you've heard a few of those. I know I have and I don't even listen to the radio much anymore.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #8
    kiwibonga Guest
    I think there's an "emotional layer" to energy -- this would be the astral part of the self, and a thicker, more "life energy" related energy body which would be the etheric.

    So when there's things that happen around you that relate to emotions, such as interpersonal conflict and general "bad things," what gets affected is this emotional layer... Then it can influence the more dense energy body negatively over time. In the case of emotional trauma, there can be actual damage to the energy body. In even more extreme cases, the physical body can get harmed -- see the experiment where a man under hypnosis had blisters on his hand after being told that he was burning himself.

    Energy work such as NEW seems to only affect the dense energy body, allowing life energy to flow more freely, etc.. This in turn would probably add to your potential willpower, in the sense that a healthy body allows you to work on the mind more.

    So in that regard, the relationship between energy work and general emotional issues is two-way, you give yourself more power to deal with things if you do energy work, and in turn, if you are going through a problematic emotional phase, stress will inhibit the circulation of energy, which causes blockages and/or damage to the energy body...

  9. #9
    Snowman23 Guest

    Re: Negative Energy

    Quote Originally Posted by wstein
    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman23
    What affects can negative energy (Like a family conflict) have on the energy body? Is it major or minor?

    Also, are there any ways to clean up a home from negative energy build up?

    That's a rather general question. The answer is identical to the question of what affects can a traffic accident have on the physical body. Basically it could be anywhere from nothing to catastrophic, barely noticeable to permanent. Recovery might involve nothing, intense effort, or impossible.
    More specifically, what affects can a person who is angry at you have? Is it best to avoid them until they have a cool head? Many times when someone in my house is angry something bad results(someone hits their head, falls down stairs, etc.).

    Quote Originally Posted by wstein
    Use the search function for topics: clearing, protection, grounding, shielding.
    Will do...

    Quote Originally Posted by wstein
    Also depending on the situation NEGs may have taken advantage of the situation and taken up residence.
    That's happened before...It's a different feeling when they come. I usually feel depressed and have disturbing dreams when a neg shows up. What I've noticed though is that they don't seem to stay long, probably because I have a loud air filter running all night in my room.

  10. #10

    Re: Negative Energy

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman23
    Quote Originally Posted by wstein
    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman23
    What affects can negative energy (Like a family conflict) have on the energy body? Is it major or minor?
    That's a rather general question. The answer is identical to the question of what affects can a traffic accident have on the physical body. Basically it could be anywhere from nothing to catastrophic, barely noticeable to permanent. Recovery might involve nothing, intense effort, or impossible.
    More specifically, what affects can a person who is angry at you have? Is it best to avoid them until they have a cool head? Many times when someone in my house is angry something bad results(someone hits their head, falls down stairs, etc.).
    First a warning, an angry person can harm you physically whether or not its intentional. If this happens get help for yourself and them immediately.

    The way this was written suggests that the physical harm is not directly caused. I will answer the question best I can in that light.

    I do not feel qualified to address getting away from angry persons nor how to deal with 'family' issues. But I can say they must be addressed in order to permanently avoid harm to yourself.

    An angry person can harm you. There are a very few powerful enough to harm you directly (but not physically). A few more that can cast spells and with some trickery get you to harm yourself. But for the most part this rare.

    Most 'ordinary' people can harm you by eroding your body. They just keep at you, wearing you down. This is usually most severe to the emotional body but sometimes the energy body. Once your body gets thin enough (weak) in a spot, it can be breached.

    Once the breach occurs and 'they' get inside, they gain a degree of control (Note this needs to be reclaimed for full healing). Each time they invade, they get a little more control. After repeated violations, a person can be controlled to an extent. Many, many violations would be required to cause the sort of problems which lead to physical problems like the ones mentioned. As this is a 'home' situation, enough time has likely passed to for this to have occurred.

    Mostly this invasion and control takes the form of creating internal doubt, thinking it was all your fault, being afraid to trust anyone, thinking you deserve it, and eventually self destructive behavior.

    Despite what it may seem, the danger of permanent damage is more psychological than physical. The direct effect on the energy body is usually temporary. It is very hard to directly permanently damage the energy body. However, the psychological and physical damage cause weak spots in the energy body (blocks, poor energy flow). If they become permanent, then the weakness in the energy body is also.
    Sin nada (Nothing is impossible)

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