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Thread: Astral Aliens? Or Sleep Paralysis?

  1. #1
    lightningbug Guest

    Astral Aliens? Or Sleep Paralysis?

    You can thank this forum for seriously confusing me

    so...extra terrestrials.....are now being believed by some circles, to actually reside on the astral plane? or rather, they are interdimensional beings, with space crafts that can shift between this plane and the astral??

    and communication..with these aliens is entirely mental??

    sounds fascinating!

    but also insane! I mean...I've got an overactive imagination here. What are you trying to do to me?

    so how does someone know if ET is trying to phone them? And how do you know if the aliens are trust worthy? I've read so much negative stuff about grays, their very image provokes fear in me.

    My experiences with this matter are simple, and nothing concrete. But its just enough to make me question.

    My first weird experience happened back in 08, shortly before the whole Blossom thing. It was during a false awakening. The room was dark as it should be because it was night. Two humanoid men were by my bedside. Basically they were asking me if I wanted to be an amabassador for the grays!!!! They point to my doorway, and there is a gray standing there. I'm terrified of him! I freak out! Tell them to all go away! They oblige, and after they leave me alone, I wake up.

    Days after I was attempting to do some energy work before sleeping (sometimes it helps me with dream recall). But I'm falling asleep before I could finish it (oops). Next thing I remember, I wake telling the aliens to leave my head alone!!

    Except after saying that, I had no idea why I said that! Some memories start to come back to me as I lay back down. And I can vaguely remember that I didn't completely fall asleep. It felt like, little hands were manipulating my brow and crown chakra as I was drifting off, as if to continue my energy work. But the experience was uncomfortable. And there was this ringing in my ears that prevented me from falling asleep.

    A few months later, I wonder if there was any truth to my experiences. Thanks to this other website I read - I got the impression you can initiate mental contact with alien beings. Of course, the website also said you had to be in a deep meditative state. Oh well, I suck at that.

    However, every now and then as I drift off to sleep I think "if there are any friendly and loving aliens out there, let me see your space ship!"

    And I fantasize about seeing an awesome glowing space ship now and then. Nothing happens and I fall asleep. One night, I was really excited for some stupid arse reason about flying in space. So excited I was anxious! My heart beat was pumping, there were butterflies in my stomach. This is ridiculous! I tell myself to stop daydreaming about space travel and just go to sleep. I relax, and go to sleep.

    The HI's begin. They're random moving images. Just blurs. But after a while, in the center of the HI's was one image that wasn't moving. It was standing very still. It was a little gray. And he was staring right at me. It was enough to jolt me awake. The image of a gray still terrifies me!! I shake my head. And go back to sleep.

    The HI's begin again. Random blurry images. Suddenly I notice a ball of light flying in from the right corner. The ball of light turns on it's axis and in a moment it blinds me. As if a helicoptor light had turned on you. The light was so intense I wanted to shield my eyes from it! It's when I see the pink of my eyelids illuminated by light, that I remember my eyes are already closed. So I open them instead. Just a dark room.

    You know when you stare at the sun? And the light is so intense its a physical sensation? A tingling? That's what it was like. A very physical sensation of light. I investigate my room and confirm it wasn't a light from outside. The angle of my window and mirror and everything else was wrong.

    I go back to sleep. Except theres no random HI's. I'm staring right at something. Except I don't understand it. There's these..buttons. And what looks like computer tech stuff. I float around in this HI a bit. It's a mechanical room. And circular. In the center there is something that reminds me of a telescope. But it's not a telescope. It's more complicated looking. And a very beautiful work of machinery..So...alien. Wait a minute! I look around me and think....Is this a UFO??

    I open my eyes and end the experience. It was after all an HI, the entire time I could still feel myself on the bed. I kick myself later for being so chicken and ending the experience. It could have been an awesome lucid dream if I had just walked into the HI!

    But, theres this nagging thought. What if these weren't just sleep paralysis's, or false awakenings and HIs? What if they were real? Thanks to all the astral alien discussions....I END the experience before I can find out if its real or not

    Okay okay, I tell myself I can't be chicken. I gotta know! Next time I won't end the experience. I'll see it through, and I'll find out if its just a dream or not.

    I didn't have to wait long. Just a few days later. In a non lucid dream there were these beings following me and a friend. They were hiding in the bushes. I caught glimpses of them though. They were grays. They didn't frighten me. And I told my friend, were being followed. They always kept their distance, and never tried to interfere in the dream. They just followed.

    Me and my friends are lost in the forest and can't find our way home. I know...why don't we ask the aliens to give us a ride home on their awesome UFO?? So I shout it out in the dream!

    My dream body is paralyzed. And it feels like a WILD, like something is trying to lift me up. The aliens climb out of the bushes and come towards me. Though their faces seemd more demonic than alien. And it didnt help that my dream had gone all distorted, so their faces were distorted as well. They put their hands on my chest while I am still standing paralyzed in the dream. And then my chest hurts! It hurts! It hurts! The pressure!

    I scream at them to back off and leave me alone! I break my promise to see it through, and wake myself up.

    I am really confused on the matter. And I realize I have one other problem. If astral projecting is necessary to aboard the space craft, then I'm a problem child. I had a really bad experience with two hags slamming my body back down into my bed when I was trying to WILD. Since then I haven't been able to complete the WILD, or 'exit'. I just get....stuck.

    bwaarr! I guess the only way to really find out is to complete the WILD/Exit/Project?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: Astral Aliens? Or Sleep Paralysis?

    Quote Originally Posted by lightningbug
    You can thank this forum for seriously confusing me

    so...extra terrestrials.....are now being believed by some circles, to actually reside on the astral plane? or rather, they are interdimensional beings, with space crafts that can shift between this plane and the astral??

    and communication..with these aliens is entirely mental??

    sounds fascinating!
    Speaking for the rest of us, you're welcome, always happy to oblige. But seriously,...

    so how does someone know if ET is trying to phone them? And how do you know if the aliens are trust worthy? I've read so much negative stuff about grays, their very image provokes fear in me.

    My experiences with this matter are simple, and nothing concrete. But its just enough to make me question.
    I'm a big fan of questioning. I have come to the idea that we can't attribute any human motivation to them, if indeed they are interdimensional manifestations of 'another'. So I don't try. Good? Bad? Lies? Truth? All human, and if they're not.... So instead I just observe and try to remember, and see what happens. Not much more I can do, really.

    My first weird experience happened back in 08, shortly before the whole Blossom thing. It was during a false awakening. The room was dark as it should be because it was night. Two humanoid men were by my bedside. Basically they were asking me if I wanted to be an amabassador for the grays!!!! They point to my doorway, and there is a gray standing there. I'm terrified of him! I freak out! Tell them to all go away! They oblige, and after they leave me alone, I wake up.

    Days after I was attempting to do some energy work before sleeping (sometimes it helps me with dream recall). But I'm falling asleep before I could finish it (oops). Next thing I remember, I wake telling the aliens to leave my head alone!!

    Except after saying that, I had no idea why I said that! Some memories start to come back to me as I lay back down. And I can vaguely remember that I didn't completely fall asleep. It felt like, little hands were manipulating my brow and crown chakra as I was drifting off, as if to continue my energy work. But the experience was uncomfortable. And there was this ringing in my ears that prevented me from falling asleep.

    A few months later, I wonder if there was any truth to my experiences. Thanks to this other website I read - I got the impression you can initiate mental contact with alien beings. Of course, the website also said you had to be in a deep meditative state. Oh well, I suck at that.

    However, every now and then as I drift off to sleep I think "if there are any friendly and loving aliens out there, let me see your space ship!"

    And I fantasize about seeing an awesome glowing space ship now and then. Nothing happens and I fall asleep. One night, I was really excited for some stupid arse reason about flying in space. So excited I was anxious! My heart beat was pumping, there were butterflies in my stomach. This is ridiculous! I tell myself to stop daydreaming about space travel and just go to sleep. I relax, and go to sleep.

    The HI's begin. They're random moving images. Just blurs. But after a while, in the center of the HI's was one image that wasn't moving. It was standing very still. It was a little gray. And he was staring right at me. It was enough to jolt me awake. The image of a gray still terrifies me!! I shake my head. And go back to sleep.

    The HI's begin again. Random blurry images. Suddenly I notice a ball of light flying in from the right corner. The ball of light turns on it's axis and in a moment it blinds me. As if a helicoptor light had turned on you. The light was so intense I wanted to shield my eyes from it! It's when I see the pink of my eyelids illuminated by light, that I remember my eyes are already closed. So I open them instead. Just a dark room.

    You know when you stare at the sun? And the light is so intense its a physical sensation? A tingling? That's what it was like. A very physical sensation of light. I investigate my room and confirm it wasn't a light from outside. The angle of my window and mirror and everything else was wrong.

    I go back to sleep. Except theres no random HI's. I'm staring right at something. Except I don't understand it. There's these..buttons. And what looks like computer tech stuff. I float around in this HI a bit. It's a mechanical room. And circular. In the center there is something that reminds me of a telescope. But it's not a telescope. It's more complicated looking. And a very beautiful work of machinery..So...alien. Wait a minute! I look around me and think....Is this a UFO??

    I open my eyes and end the experience. It was after all an HI, the entire time I could still feel myself on the bed. I kick myself later for being so chicken and ending the experience. It could have been an awesome lucid dream if I had just walked into the HI!

    But, theres this nagging thought. What if these weren't just sleep paralysis's, or false awakenings and HIs? What if they were real? Thanks to all the astral alien discussions....I END the experience before I can find out if its real or not
    Seen it, done that. Except for I've never felt pain. I've felt the tweaking, but not pain.
    Okay okay, I tell myself I can't be chicken.
    The best advice I could ever give anyone. Plus, fear means blanking out and forgetting, and I'd rather know what's happening, even if it's unpleasant.

    I gotta know! Next time I won't end the experience. I'll see it through, and I'll find out if its just a dream or not.

    I didn't have to wait long. Just a few days later. In a non lucid dream there were these beings following me and a friend. They were hiding in the bushes. I caught glimpses of them though. They were grays. They didn't frighten me. And I told my friend, were being followed. They always kept their distance, and never tried to interfere in the dream. They just followed.

    Me and my friends are lost in the forest and can't find our way home. I know...why don't we ask the aliens to give us a ride home on their awesome UFO?? So I shout it out in the dream!

    My dream body is paralyzed. And it feels like a WILD, like something is trying to lift me up. The aliens climb out of the bushes and come towards me. Though their faces seemd more demonic than alien. And it didnt help that my dream had gone all distorted, so their faces were distorted as well. They put their hands on my chest while I am still standing paralyzed in the dream. And then my chest hurts! It hurts! It hurts! The pressure!

    I scream at them to back off and leave me alone! I break my promise to see it through, and wake myself up.
    I've done that too (and other things) which shows that there is a part of you that is very well aware of what's going on, and when your 'actual' you is ready, you'll find out at least what is going on (you may not understand why, but that's another thing).

    I am really confused on the matter. And I realize I have one other problem. If astral projecting is necessary to aboard the space craft, then I'm a problem child. I had a really bad experience with two hags slamming my body back down into my bed when I was trying to WILD. Since then I haven't been able to complete the WILD, or 'exit'. I just get....stuck.

    bwaarr! I guess the only way to really find out is to complete the WILD/Exit/Project?
    It may help you to realize that you already have been doing it, just not consciously. All those HI in which you get the flashes (or RV's) are projections, just disjointed. Now the trick is to try to remain 'with it' as you go.
    I get the feeling that the HAG sensations are your own creations keeping you 'safe'.
    My recommendation is for you, right before you go to sleep (with the intention of sleeping) is to ask your Higher Self for guidance as for what to do next, what needs to happen, and wait for a dream or other event to let you know.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    lightningbug Guest

    Re: Astral Aliens? Or Sleep Paralysis?

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    Seen it, done that.
    that's comforting at least

    would be nice to hear someone else's experience

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    All those HI in which you get the flashes (or RV's) are projections, just disjointed. Now the trick is to try to remain 'with it' as you go.
    when I first wrote down the experience in my dream journal, I could almost imagine that the HI's never stopped. As if somehow they were still going on, even though I had opened my eyes. I've finally just started the MAP program, and reading up on it. Thanks for reminding me that its not so much as whether or not you projected, as so much if you remembered.

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    My recommendation is for you, right before you go to sleep (with the intention of sleeping) is to ask your Higher Self for guidance as for what to do next, what needs to happen, and wait for a dream or other event to let you know.
    that which I've been neglecting (>_<)

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