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Thread: Nat's AP/dream diary

  1. #21
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    Re: OOBE #7! Woot Woot!

    Hello, Natalie.

    About seeing aliens in the astral - not taking it too literal might help. All that can be told at this point is that you something "alien to you" - strange, unknown, not understood. You see vehicles of some kind and associate consciousness with it (you assume it has some conscious being in steering it or inside). Nothing else is known at this point. If you look too much for clues that they "must be" ETs, you might miss out on their real nature. I think it will unfold over time what they are.


  2. #22

    Re: OOBE #7! Woot Woot!

    That's a great idea asking for communication with your spirit guide, I had actually planned to do that in my next projection after reading that, but I forgot all about trying to do that this morning, so maybe next time.

    As for the ufo's Kurt said the little man in the alien costume I saw was probably a simulation robot, it's possible that something simialer could be behind the astral ufo's you saw. I haven't seen any ufo's in projections yet, but I have seen a bunch in semi lucid dreams in the past. I have a suggestion, if your able to, the next time you see a ufo in a projection, how's about you fly up next to it, try to get a better look at it, or even try talking to it.

    Hi Natalie. Would you like me to round them all up to make them into an OBE journal?
    If it's not too much trouble could you do that with me too? Mine are pretty much plastered all over the place.

  3. #23
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    Re: OOBE #7! Woot Woot!

    @ defectron:
    It's done. I found all the OBE reports I found and put them together and stickied it with the rest of the journals. The posts were in order of posting, so it may look weird at first, but that's how the program does it.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    washington state

    Re: OOBE #7! Woot Woot!


    I never thought of that! I was thinking that either they are real and just hangin out in astral, or they were just something I manifested at that time. I have been thinking about ETs and ITs a lot lately, and I would really love to talk to one of them. But not in a creepy way. I don't want them popping up next to my bed, or abducting me. I don't know how else they could talk to me though, I doubt they would want to walk up to my apartment and knock on the door.

    Next time I see a UFO in astral I will TRY and remember to talk to them, I guess astral would be the best nonthreatening way. I didn't think about talking to them last time, it felt as normal as seeing cars on the street. I wouldn't just go up to someone driving and try and get them to pull over to talk!

    I don't feel threatened by aliens at all, except the reptiallians (if there is such a thing) and the mean greys that torture people. I would like to talk to our friends the Pleadians. Okay, I'm blabbing on again! Good night!
    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  5. #25

    Re: OOBE #7! Woot Woot!

    I don't feel threatened by aliens at all, except the reptiallians (if there is such a thing) and the mean greys that torture people. I would like to talk to our friends the Pleadians. Okay, I'm blabbing on again! Good night!
    I wouldn't be so quick to post labels of good or bad on different alien types people see even in the physical much less in the astral where what your seeing maybe completely unrelated. I've personally always been a bit suspicious of the roles the ufonauts seem to act out.

    On the one hand we have angelic human looking pliedians who are good and on the other we have scary looking aliens, reptillians and greys that are bad. Don't you think this is awfully convenient? I'm not sure what is going on with that, but I have a feeling there's more then meets the eye happening there.

    Also in an interview with the guy who runs this site apparantly the majority of the reptilian reports he got were either of good or neutral reptilians, according to him reptilians tend to have a bad reputation because most of what is publicized are the bad reports. and on the other spectrum I have also read reports of human looking aliens who have behaved badly as well.

  6. #26
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    Re: OOBE #7! Woot Woot!

    Occasionally the creatures, people and images that a person sees while out of body are nothing more than dream thoughtforms or thought elementals that are self created images usually found in dreams. So Korpo could be right in that the spaceships may have been only symbols (a form of self created thought elemental).
    However it is also entirely possible that you accidentally witnessed actual alien starships. One theory of interstellar travel is that alien starships go into hyperspace which is a higher (than third) dimension used to travel interstellar distances at faster than light speeds. So, yes the spaceships could have been real. It's just that there's really no way to know for sure.


  7. #27
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    AP #8 last night :0)

    Last night I was extremely exhausted when I hit the pillow. But I had a strong sensation that someone was watching me, and I kept hearing sounds like someone walking around in the hallway and breathing.

    I woke up in the middle of the night not able to feel my body, so I sat up and was out. I was up and running literally! I made a dash for my bedroom door and made it halfway down the stairs when that odd feeling of being watched took hold of me. My eyesight was all retarted, it was like tunnelvision. So I tried to open my astral eyes more but I instead opened my physical eyes and I was back in bed. I layed there for a while listening to all the strange sounds and seeing all these strange things. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched so I got up and turned the lamp on. Everything was all wavy and my aura was an electic blue kind of turquiose color ( ooOOOOoo pwetty pwetty!). I waved my hand in front of my face and it had a trail. Awesome!

    I slept with the lamp on for a few hours, which helped a bit. I don't know if I was really being watched, or maybe my energy body was really expanded last night when I went to bed.

    This is kind of funny, but the last few times I have been out I immediately start running and saying "this is real this is real". Why do I run? Maybe I don't want to waste time. But I feel the urge to run fast and get outside as fast as possible! Maybe I have some alien friends I need to converse with .I am glad it was a short AP, it made it more real for me. When they get to be so long it becomes dream like.

    oh, I was going to post this to my sticky AP diary but I couldn't find it. Do I need to come up with a name for it first? How about Nat's AP/dream diary

    nap time!
    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  8. #28
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    Re: AP #8 last night :0)

    I couldn't find any specific report before #5, I'll keep looking.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary


    Yes, I too have felt very creeped out for no apparent reason during an OBE.
    Soooo, I Do tend to trust my instincts whether out of body or in the physical. If you can't trust Yourself then who can you trust, right!!
    On the other hand strong emotions will often cut short an OBE. So there IS a fine line between being too casual (unaware) and getting exited or scared too easily.
    Hopefully your future OBEs will be less stressful.


  10. #30
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    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    Well, I generally agree with the idea that everything is in a sense consciousness. So, everything is aware to differing degrees. Usually we don't pick up on it, but in nonphysical reality or when using the inner senses you can.

    Normally the feeling of "being watched" creeps you out in physical reality. So, your reaction "here" is your reaction "there" - you feel creeped out by something that is basically the coming alive of an inner sense - your awareness that tells you of the awareness around you, which you translate to being watched.

    Similarly, people believe in guardian angels and guides, but when you activate your inner senses you might not be able to see them, necessarily, but you might feel their awareness being directed your way. Inner senses are like senses that you don't know how to understand them, so you translate them in something you know - so you translate it in the "physical reality equivalent" of being watched.

    Unfortunately, this equivalent carries some negative connotation, and you are now experiencing a mix - the actual inner sense information (someone is directing their awareness towards you) mixed up with an inner energetic memory (being watched is creepy), and suddenly it acts like a filter on your awareness - a neutral experience turns into something that is felt to be creepy.


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