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    Moved: Psychic Readings. Higher Self - Spirit Guides?

    Hi Robert.

    Right now im in the stage of giving free psychic readings to improve my abilities. Im learning heaps by reading a lot of your work, but there is one thing that troubles my mind in particular. You work with and know a lot of other psychics so perhaps you have some guidance in this area.

    I have been on hiatus with readings for a while because i stumbled upon your catch basket theory. I love the idea of spirit guides helping me during readings, when i used to read (this was mostly over computer) i used to enter meditation, go to a garden to connect with my spirit guides, and then i would listen to them about what they had to say about the person i was reading, then i would type it up and send it. I was getting quite a high degree of accuracy, but i was always unsure that these guides were actual real benevolent spirit beings sent to help me - or just figments i have created in my mind. Even when the info was correct, i never saw them with any visual clairvoyance, or clear voices - they were more like gut feelings and random thoughts.

    I feel very torn because on one hand, i want to believe they're real and actually there, on another, i can't soothe my worries with anything solid evidence. I know i must go by personal experience. Even you i think i have read in your writings that you had to stop praying to Spirit Guides ( though i never prayed to them) because you just didn't have anything solid to go by.

    Everyone around me, teachers and other learners, even popular psychics all say they have these spirit guides - im sure there's something to it. Not all of these nice and could be lying to us all, it can't be all made up. I must be missing something.

    I could utilise the help of the Higher Self to help me during readings, but then again im unsure about that because i believe you mentioned in your M&Healing program that it's more like a wall of silence, only rarely speaking to you.

    Does it mean i can't work with any beings at all. It was a great source of comfort to realise i had a team of helpers with me. Now im just confused and unsure. Can you understand my dilema? I just want to be the best i can be with the potential i have.

    You have heaps of psychic friends. Do any of them use the help of spirit guides or perhaps the Higher Self or is it all done just through our psychic senses?

    Thank You.
    Warm regards for putting up with my questions!
    Last edited by CFTraveler; 10th July 2011 at 05:02 PM. Reason: Moved Copy to Down Under

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