Just a little writing, or maybe ramblings.

I know that if you're in a "state" you're supposed to do a reality check to see if indeed things are "fluctuating".
However, a lucid state may be so real, as compared to the awake state, that you may not be able to tell if you're lucid or awake. Its amazing.

Last night I guess I was so lucid that I thought I was in reality, so I didn't apply the test because I thought my test would reveal that I was awake. Needless to say, I didn't bother to try and fly or fight off enemies (who may have been dwellers)--because my test would say that things were in reality.

It wasn't untill I awoke, and then some time later in the day, that I realized that it was a lucid dream and I could have done the OBE type things.
