Hello everyone,
For two days in a row I have started using the technique where you get a full sleep cycle, then wake up for about an hour after which you go back to sleep with the intent to become lucid. This has seemed to work better than anything else I've done, though I am still unsure of what I am experiencing.

My evidence for OBE: twice, in two separate locations, I became aware that I was sleeping, felt a vibratory state, experienced apparent separation from my physical body and I experienced this in the location where my physical body actually was. I experienced being in my house, which very much resembled my physical house. Each time I seemed to have multiple separations/returns

Evidence for lucid dream: my experiences seem to morph into a more dreamlike state, with scenery changing to places I am not at, or that I don't know of, and I seem to lose lucidity as time goes on. Also there are people who seem more like scenery, or talk gibberish.

Strange Experiences: During one instance, I tried to look at myself sleeping on the couch. I appeared strange to myself, kind of more boyish than I would expect. I picked myself up and kind of flopped around, which seems to indicate a dream. During another instance, I saw one of my dogs and tried to interact with her, but she seemed scared of me. I woke myself up and my dog was not awake. Other things like floating/falling in blackness, an eerie twilight kind of feeling. There are other things that are more dreamlike to me.

I am wondering if anyone has any good method or thought test for me to use at the time of experience which would indicate to me whether I am dreaming or APing. Also, I feel a lot of the time that if I try too hard to do anything that I will wake up, and that I have too strong a connection with my physical body. All advice/tips are welcome!