I had the following dream recently and would appreciate any feedback

I was at an art school with a good friend of mine from waking life. We wound up on the 2nd level of a car park. Authorities at the art school had posted warnings of strange robots who descended from the upper levels of the car park until they encountered humans, whereupon they opened briefcases which released toxic gas. No one knew where these robots came from. Breathing this gas meant instant annihilation. The warnings posted on campus showed the briefcases, which were decorated with designs of pink origami-like structures.

My friend and I were standing in the car park -- there were no cars by the way -- when a panicked person ran from one of the stair wells yelling at us to run. I watched until I saw a robot's feet descending the stairs, then ran with my friend to a stairway on the other side of the car park. If the robot didn't see us, it would not be able to follow. As I ran, I knew that workers in haz-mat suits could handle the robots, and that the gas, when it dissipated, was no longer toxic.

I'm wondering if this is an anxiety dream of my ego which fears dissolution from infusions of higher energy and cosmic consciousness (I wish -- I think!), or a warning for my physical body that environmental radiation is about to give me cancer. Any thoughts?