I was back at my grandfather's house. It had been gutted and was redone, we were living in it, but there were other people visiting it (as if it were a museum). [This is a recurring theme].
My husband told me he had redone the "game room" (we don't have one, just a game table in the back porch). When I walked in, it was a large industrial-looking room much like the packing plant that was part of my grandfather's farmhouse, and he had slapped some siding on it that didn't make it to the top and there were some couches and a new ping-pong table. Our 'usual' table was there, and possibly some game machines too. It was cool but cheap-looking, and not very well done.
Also, the original house had a basement and the first floor was wood, and in this dream he had removed the (now rotten) wood floor and the floor was now what used to be the basement, hence the very tall ceiling.
I was having trouble navigating the new 'look', but people were walking around touring the place, which was my house.
It didn't bother me having all of them doing it either, I kept reminiscing with some 'town elders' about my favorite parts of the house (which is true and has been expressed in dream previous times).
At some point I awoke very sad.