You could try projecting to the supra etheric of the sphinx or to the infernal etheric of the sphinx or to the sphinx in Shamballah. In the bottom of the earthly sphinx there may be chambers and halls ;
Whether or not these subterranean chambers are beneath the sphinx now or ever were does not prevent projection into the subetheric of the sphinx. The space is intriguing to project into and it has long been a place of initiation and a portal to the Hall of Records in Shamballah.

And in the Higher Planes or Teaching Temples of Shamballah there is a replica of the Great Pyramids of Luxor and the Sphinx where many initiations into Ascension Alchemy, Mystic Kaballah and Hermetic Magick occur.

If you have difficulty forming a core image to project to then you might want to focus on an image of the sphinx and trance before your pc staring at that open eyed or fixing it in your magick imagination visually and then closing the physical eyes and looking through the brow centre instead.

The Motto of the Sphinx is a Hermetic maxim;