I am witnessing events, in what looks like a medieval castle. The King and Queen are very angry about something that has taken place. They decide to get rid of everyone in their court, so they kill them all. Some are thrown from battlements, others drowned in the river.
I am watching this all from a detached POV, waiting. Then the Queen's Lady-in-Waiting is killed.
This is what i've been waiting for. She leaves her body. In shock. Confused.
She feels ashamed, guilty even, believing that she hadn't lived a good enough life. She served her Queen loyally, she loved her Queen, so to be killed by Her, she must have acted unfaithfully or wrongly.

I calm her, showing her the reality of the events around her death. I showed her how well she had served her Queen, and how well she had lived. That she had risen to become the Queen's most trusted aide, was proof of a successful life. She had been trustworthy and loyal. It was nothing more than the King's fury unleashed that had resulted in her death.
She takes all of this in, and then smiles, knowing she lived well.

She dissolves, and i wake up.