This is what Hawaiian elder Hale Makua taught Hank Wesselman about the ‘e’epa.

  • The ‘e’epa are the deceivers.
  • They are not spirits but free-ranging psychic entities, invisible beings that function as brain parasites, preying on those who are vulnerable to their influences.
  • They are the ones encountered during what is known as the alien abduction experience: small and tall greys, insect beings and reptilians.
  • Psychics who channel are vulnerable to them because the realm where they operate is where the deceivers exist.
  • Schizophrenics are also vulnerable in certain instances.
  • They are accomplished shape shifters and mimics.
  • They encourage human beings to go to the negative polarity: into the dark side of their personalities until they reach a point where they can no longer self-correct. If we continue in that polarity, we become evil.
  • Their influence is everywhere in the world today.
  • They can be thought of as psychic vampires.
  • They are adversaries drawn to humans because they wish to acquire our human capacity for creative imagination. This lack means they will always be thwarted by the superiority of the human species.
  • They are mental phenomena that reside at the mental-emotional level where they attach to us.
  • They have especially attached themselves to political, economic and religious leaders.
  • It is apparently best not to think or speak about them, lest you attract their attention.

Not all aliens fall into this category. Some are like tourists, some are higher organizing intelligences – true spirits.

Hank Wesselman, Phd. The Bowl Of Light, Sounds True Inc. 2011. If you’re interested, you can listen to an interview on this book here: