Back in this camplike environment- the past few dreams seem to be taking place there. This time there were many people I know, some from my old church and some from spiritual forums and such. We were all in different places but "were called" to go to the seashore to where the Sun was. We were going to receive some sort of basking experience. So many of us started walking, some running towards the shore. On the way there I remembered flying, so I took off successfully. Some others also took flight, maybe four of five of us amongst twenty people or so. When we got there we were told we should take our clothes off to feel the sun's rays, so I started doing this, and some said that the order had been rescinded, but some people stayed naked, I did. I figured since i was in the sky anyway, no one was going to control me. And the feeling was glorious.
Then we flew back and I woke up. It was a beautiful scape, the sun in the dawn time, with all the colors.