i posted a question about this on another forum,
i think its either most ppl dont know or dont care, maybe not experienced this.

more than once. ive seen a swirling vortex of light in my vision.
(i originally explained it as a glass cup with no bottom)
it was there whether my eyes were closed or open. daylight or darken room + closed eyelids
the only name i have for it is astral tube.
ive heard of seeing visions, getting images of far off places. flashes behind closed lids, stuff like that.
ive experienced the flashes. its like when i close my eyes to swiftly and sometimes just randomly
i guess after "work" (i wrote these off for staring at the tube to long, till it happened with my face to a wall, and i tested blind folded.)
ive seen through my lids before. but im still skeptical (kinda)
but this was the weirdest.
and ive only chanced upon a few authors talking about it.

i can grab my my original post and paste it here if all the background info is needed.
i wasnt doing much the last time i experienced it. just walking to a friends house toying with my energy.
a lil raising and storing. maybe even orbit running. i was just doing it and walking. and then i sat down and started looking around. while waiting for him to open the door. i noticed it. swirling there.
its hard to explain. and in honesty i didnt make to big of a deal of it. because my vision has been all weird lately.
one night im reading "the antichrist training manual" and the author brings it up out of nowhere.
so im curious has any1 else experienced this?
what type of techniques or meditations were you doing around the time of your exp?