I have researched this video a little. At first I thought it was an evangelical piece of propaganda, but then I listened carefully and noticed that the voice sounded computer-like. Listening again, I noticed that lots of times the voice said "dot" where there should be full stop in the script. So then I realised: it is a translation, which has then been put through a "text to voice"program.

The maker of this video is"Obezagrozenia" . I clicked on this provider and came to their You Tube page. The links are to a Polish Catholic site, devoted to the dangers of OBE, AP, etc. Using Google Translate I found that "Obezagrozenia" means "Danger of OBE".

It is not for me to judge the views of others. All I can say is that for me, all this talk of "demons" and so forth takes us back to a very primitive dualist concept, with the idea of a Devil with a toasting fork gaining pleasure in torturing souls. There are "negative forces", but I don't see these as "evil" per se. They just feed on extreme negative emotion. If you are calm, wish them love and peace, they won't trouble you! That's not the food they are looking for!

The comments by ST, BW and CFT are IMHO spot on.