The other night, I went to sleep after I had done some energy work for almost an hour. My wife was downstairs watching tv. So after what i think was about a couple of hours, I woke up suddenly. I heard the floor creaking (the floor boards creak a lot at the top of the stairs and in the surrounding area through the hallway). I just laid there (on my stomach) and didn't try to move or anything and to me it sounded like my wife was coming into our bedroom. So when I felt what I thought was her come up to the side of our bed and stand there, I tried to turn my head and speak to her. This is the moment I discovered that I was paralyzed! At this point I was NOT asleep and I knew it. I have heard of other people waking up paralyzed and how scary it is but this is the 1st time that it happened to ME. Also, knowing that someone is standing there looking at you doesn't help matters at all. Now I'm still thinking that it's my wife standing there and thinking that she has no idea that I'm wide awake and can't move. So, the harder I tried to move The more scared I got. I decided to just relax because I knew what causes that state from reading Robert's book. I tried to just go back to sleep but I could not so I just laid there periodically trying to move different parts of my body without success for a while until I was finally able to wiggle my right index finger- then make a fist- then two fists. When i could move my whole body I felt prickly all over and I had goosebumps. I got up on all fours and crawled to the edge of the bed to look down the hallway because i still could hear the floor creaking. As soon as I looked, the creaking stopped and I didnt see anybody. I called out to my wife but she didnt answer so I called her again but much louder. When she answered I asked if she had just been upstairs and she said NO and that she had fallen asleep on the couch. So she came up and joined me and I told her what happened. I'm over that now but it scared me when it was happening. I wonder who that was standing there looking at me. I had another experience where I was in an altered state and I felt like someone was standing there looking at me. I felt like they were waiting for something. I wonder what.