I know dreaming is normal, but is there a way to make it to where I don't have goofy, sometimes violent, or just flat out strange dreams every night? Not only that but they seem to last forever. I wake up and sometimes I don't even want to go back to sleep because of the dream activity I sometimes have. I don't want to stop them completely because I am trying to train myself if I have dreams about particular things to start the OBE process. It worked once. I must have been aware enough. Usually I am so out of it though I can't seem to remind myself "This is a dream, okay now I am lucid."

I cannot (Wouldn't know where to start)decode my dreams and they can be very annoying at times. They make absolutely no sense. I try and make sense of them but I can't. I would much rather just have a very good nights sleep with no dreams, then wake up. I wish I could explain some of my dreams but I really couldn't. They are so goofy and out there it blows me away.

Now.. My OBE's are totally different but I am not talking about them. Just these dreams... Sometimes I wish I was like some people who very rarely dreamed. I hear some people say it's good to dream. It sure doesn't seem like it for me.

Sometimes they upset me. Until I wake up... I know time is irrelevant but some nights my dreams last for DAYS it seems. How can I stop this? I feel it is not helping me in anything at all. Especially the violent ones.

It has come across my mind could this be neg abuse? Or is this just my wild imagination while I am sleeping? I am not a violent person, but I will never forget a dream I had where this large demon looking thing with horns ran up to me and ripped me in half. I saw my ribs fly everywhere. I woke up of course frightened to death.

I had another dream once where I was looking into a picture. The picture was a Forrest. I saw myself like in 3rd person walking in the forest. Then way off in the distance I saw this figure looking thing. I couldn't make out what it was... but it was there. All of a sudden a face popped up and screamed very loud. Woke me up jolting out of bed.

Another dream... quite some time ago I was walking down by my neighborhood. There were police cars everywhere and lots of injured people lying around. Like some massive incident. I just kept walking observing... I noticed a lady behind me walking toward me. I looked in front of me and I sensed her getting closer from behind me. I turned around and she was right there and made this very angry like moan and swung at me. I ducked... and woke up and if I remember right I punched my wall by my bed.

These have subsided a bit... But I still do get violent ones sometimes. Mostly now they are goofy and extremely annoying and I wish they would just stop...