I've been doing energy work for years now, bought Astral Dynamics when I was 14 I think, but anyway in November I had something like I guess you could call a panic attack, where I sort of felt like I was getting dizzy and slipping out of reality. Then for a couple of months I would get them on and off and feel like I was living in a waking dream for most of the time. Only lately have I been getting pressure in my third eye region for weeks and now it has spread to the left side of my head into my jaw and ear.

Now, to let you know before hand, this has been coupled with somewhat blurred vision in the left eye, a cavity in the back left molar I haven't taken care of, and a weird out of place vertebrae in the left side in the neck and back. There seems to be a pattern here. Anyway, the pressure was getting particularly severe for a long enough time and I was getting tired enough of it, that I laid down and focused entirely on the pressure in my head and felt some "pops" in different regions of my head, probably somewhere in the sinuses. It gave me some relief.

Now my question is, as I recall, it's not advocated to focus on higher energy centers without first focusing on the lower chakras preceding it. But what if you can't ignore it, and focusing on it might possibly be the only way to heal it?

I also wonder if any of you out there have encountered the same sort of issues. Like with the spontaneous adrenaline/energy surge and dizziness.

I've had numerous doctors tell me there's absolutely nothing wrong with me, so the only place really left to turn is my own psychology/energy body.

Any help would be absolutely wonderful. I need some advice from more experienced people than myself.

I miss my "rooted" self.