I was reading today about a common (not sure how to measure something like this) astral entity dubbed the Machine Elf, and I'm curious if anyone has input on these entities. Here's why I'm curious.

Going back a bit in my exit attempts, I had what I suppose was astral vision during my trance state, and here's a blurb I posted way back from what I saw during that vision:

"I once watched some alien beings play a game with what looked like a big egg/dice thing. I can't begin to tell you how colorful it was, how real, how utterly crisp and 3D."

Now, I never saw the aliens in this vision, but I knew without question that's what they were, and they were surrounding the egg shape, just out of my view. The interesting part is the egg. As I understand from reading, these beings sing or speak these fantastic egg looking things into existence as gifts to travelers. Not sure. But it's apparently common enough (again, from reading) that they've been dubbed "Faberge Eggs" for lack of a better term. I'm wondering if this is in fact what I beheld.
