To Boldly Go ...

I'm a Startrek and science-fiction fan, therefore I chose this title instead of my first draft's heading labelled "Unexpected Encounter (In Focus 34?)" - which nevertheless would be very fitting, too.

In line with my healer path, I wanted to go to the "Temple Of Healing", especially the "Chamber Of Colours And Light", which I read about recently again. (M. Newton also wrote about it but I read this in another book). It is where souls can go to for recuperation after incarnations. However, it was said by a guide that this can also be used for incarnated humans if they happen to find their way to this place. Intent is everything, so I wanted to give this a try. I've been to the nearby library, so why not give it a shot. I assume it is located as well in the "human afterlife zone" on upper astral levels, and according to R. Monroe in Focus 27.

I had planned in advance to take Galantamine during sleep break, which I had not done for a long time. I decided against it again and instead did some exercises (slight meditation, affirmations, energy chakra work and tactile imaging of objects in my room) during half an hour of WB2B after 3-4 hours of sleep. This combination seems to have made the difference. It did not take me long to get into the lucid state and try to do exits. Altogether it were 3 or 4, almost all into my astral portal, but most of them again into blindness. I tried and even shouted this time the affirmations I had planned (e.g. "clarity now", "vision now"). I tried grabbing things, I tried to reach out for hands and ask guides. But it did not work too well.

At one time I managed to exit into a lighted portal or gained sight (don't remember). I remember I was not sure if I could fly out of the window and decided to do a test flight in the room. I lifted of the ground and even flew once through the wood-frame glass door of the room. It worked well and so I decided to fly out of the window into the city. I saw people from above and I almost thought it was the 'RTZ' (but it wasn't of course).

Then I saw a funny young woman who was also flying but by operating a kind of old-fashioned looking tricycle as a flying machine, pedalling along through the air, relaxed and reclined, smiling and in good mood. I found that funny so I decided to fly after her for a short chat. When I reached her she had turned into a very old lady with a wrinkled face. I do not remember any detailed conversation, maybe she also just gave me a "rote". She also touched me gently once. I learnt that she was born in the year 16-something (17th century). So I thought she was doing this for quite 'a while', it explained her 'age' to me and also the old-fashioned looking carriage-like tricycle.

During another exit, I was 'blind' again but felt that I was hovering 'outside' of the window of my portal already. I grabbed sth that felt like wooden posts, poles, planks or beams. Then I had the idea to use another Buhlman command but with a variation. I shouted while directing my 'eyes' down at my still not visible hands holding them before me.

"Higher Vibration Now! Increase Vibration Now! Higher Vibration Now! "

Then I even added:

"Much Higher!!!"

Then felt myself (my "body") becoming somehow warmer and more 'diffused'. Then I could see my hands shimmering orange-red through the darkness. It was still dark and murky around me, but when I 'looked up' from my hands I saw some white beings a few 'metres' off, mabye 3-5 or so. They were all white, still with 'form' but also a little shiny. The background and everything else was still in deep and murky darkness. They looked at me, observing. Not more. I recognised them by their contours and also 'faces'.


I decided this was not where I initially had wanted to go (see above) or what I ever expected to encounter in the astral at all. I was not afraid or scared or anything. It wasn't a scary or threatening encounter at all. There even seemed a peaceful air about them. At least, it was neutral. All in all, it lasted not long enough for me to make a complete assessment. After about 3 seconds I decided to fade out again as it just wasn't what I was heading for.

Comments / Afterthoughts

Well, maybe I should have done without the "much higher" instead?

Taking the TMI levels literally and considering the fact that I was neither 'being visited' nor 'being abducted' but rather went there by increasing my frequency, it could mean that I was on Focus Level 34 indeed.


As said, I was and am not scared at all. I am even a little optimistic as it shows that I might now be able to make it 'anywhere' in the non-physical with this technique. I just need to 'calibrate' (so leaving out the 'much higher' addition next time isn't just a joke). If I make it to F34 I certainly can make it to F27 by 'adjusting'. That's the positve insight. It would be like hopping off the bus a station or two earlier or like leaving the upward moving elevator on a lower floor, just to put it metaphorically.

It is fascinating how I experienced the vibrational shift. It felt warm, more spread out and maybe even 'light(er)' (in a double sense?). Still I was disappointed not to have reached the "Healing Temple" or any kind of lighted, sunny Park-like area hoped for. I wasn't focussing on a location when I did this. I was just focussed on my 'body' then. So this might be a thing to improve for next time I try it. And I will!

Actually I am also a little amused, too. Maybe I should have tried to communicate with them. The whole thing strikes me as funnny even. It was like s.o. opening a door in an office building in search of a team meeting, noticing it is the wrong group and conference room, saying 'oops, I'm sorry, wrong party' and closing the door again. Maybe I should have asked them "Ok, guys, how ye doin'? And where's Spock, by the way?"

To give you a 'picture', I used google's pic search again. I want to still say that these examples do not really do it justice, but it is the closest I could find to show how they looked like. They were standing just more in a distance from me, not near me. I do not remember the (sterotypical) huge black eyes though.

I also chose these two faces not just for the black background to reflect better what I perceived, but also to show that it all looked not too threatening at all. Many pictures of 'alien greys' are based on fearfully remembered (abduction) experiences, maybe even cultural horror-movie memes and projections. This is not what I saw or what it felt like. It was rather neutral.

Of course, there's yet another possibilty: Maybe I mistook these beings of light (and that's what they seemed to be after all: white light in black surroundings) for ETs/aliens? Maybe it was a visual translation error based on preformed cultural biases?

Be that as it may have been. I am on the 'path of the warrior' for 2-3 years now and I will stay on it, so nothing will divert me. Let the Larger Consciousness System throw at me what it wants to. If it is for my overall growth, fine, I 'm ready to accept it. No backing down. Whatever else may come now ... Bring it on!