I'm trying to make sense of a vision I had this morning. Much of what I "saw" and "communicated" were in the form of ROTEs, and I find it very difficult to translate NVC into verbal form, so there may be... inaccuracies?... in what I say. If that makes sense.

My family and I were returning from a 24-hour test that my son had to undergo at a doctor's office over two hours away form our home. We were on our way back this morning. I was in the passenger seat.

All morning I had the image of an elongated face in the back of my mind. It was kind of like having a song stuck in your head. One side was light and the other was dark. I noticed its presence probably a hundred times, but it was subtle, so I didn't give it too much thought. However, in the car I decided to "confront" it, feeling that it could be of some importance.

The dialogue started with me asking, "Who are you?"

Response: "I am the spirit of -----------" (last part incomprehensible by my poor little brain). The response was instantaneous NVC before I had finished asking the question.

Many things of interest happened at this moment. I will list them in no particular order:

- Feeling overwhelmed by emotion; wanting to sob and fall face down with... gratitude?
- Feeling "unworthy," not necessarily in a negative sense, more of a "Wow I'm so small and insignificant" sense
- Mental impression of great age and wisdom, masculine presence
- Headache on the right side of my head, radiating outward from two points
- The name/ident of "Niburu", image of a river
- Feeling of friendship, companionship

I then asked what the occasion of the visit was, and the instant-NVC response was "You are now ready for the next phase." A bit of background info: last year when I was really involved in giving "psychic readings" I had similar visions, where I was told that I was to remain in a certain "bracket" of development for a while, and to enjoy the phase rather than longing for further development. I was frustrated at this stagnation, but ended up accepting it.

The rest of the exchange is largely incomprehensible NVC type communication, but I will do my best to explain.

The spirit's face in two halves, one light and one dark. The light side gave the impression of bumpiness or bone. Looked like a shaman's mask. Image of a small shaman's drum in hand.

The spirit pushed knowledge into the hole in the top of my head, though I'm not sure what knowledge I gained, I feel changed somehow.

The spirit told me, "You now have the ability." To do what???

A thread or trail leading out behind me, I'm being pulled upwards along it, I break through the veil into a white city of light. (This is not an OBE type experience, more like a vivid daydream)

A feeling of verification, then being led across the Atlantic to... Africa? Asia? There's one continent, it's all whole, the impression of ice, a man stooping down. Africa I think.

All the while, I was sitting in the passenger seat, probably looking completely normal.

After the vision ended, I was mentally and physically exhausted. The headache was pretty strong, but has now gone away. Yet I also felt alive and charged with some kind of energy.

A note of interest: I can now initiate a feeling of falling or going down a roller coaster. It's like my belly has butterflies, but times one-hundred. The feeling attempts to move up, and creates a gagging feeling in my throat. What is this? I've felt it before, but not for a while.

I've been trying to do a little research on the verification. The word "nibiru" is a babylonian term meaning "crossing over," which is quite appropriate for my experience. It is also some sort of planet X type phenomenon. I've looked into Nubian and Numibian culture in Africa but nothing really jumps out at me. I wonder if the shamanistic traditions of these peoples may be the key, perhaps I have a past life among them.

Any advice on the verification? Thoughts in general? I'm still reeling from the experience, and not sure what to think about the falling feeling.