Working on my grandfather's house.
Was redoing the floor, and had a large crew of people working at raising, surfacing and balancing the floor. Started flying in the middlle of the operation (by jumping over the newly-laid floor) and continued to glide over about a foot above. Could see how the crew had cut a carpet to get the shape right, and I thought it was sloppy. One of the workers (a female foreman) was yelling at someone else for going off and getting smashed instead of working. I was amused at this, and continued to glide over the work. Then a song came on the radio 'Rock the Casbah' by the Clash, and we all started dancing to it, and I thought these were the moments people worked for, and woke up with the alarm.

Earlier in the night I was dreaming about being in a temple that was being threatened by demonic forces coming from the outside night surroundings. It looked like a shinto temple, but I could feel the evil trying to get in, and then I invoked the power of Hindu deities (one with wings, I don't remember which (or if there are any) and the forces of the Hindu deities reconsecrated this temple and now it was invulnerable. I'm going to look this up to see if it makes sense to me.
I'm not sure about what the symbolic content of this dream is about, but the feeling of 'goodness and holiness' was very strong and uplifting. Why the temple looked japanese is a little confusing to me, but it was not Buddhist. Go figure.