Meanwhile and thanks to your advice in my previous topic question, i finally bought your the psychic defense ebook, BUT even tough there is mention of sexual urges in there, i am not sure if i understood well but there isn't any specific methods for this kind of problem, but one thing is certain the some of the kind of desires i have do seem to be neg related because of their nature, but others i have serious doubts if they are really harmless on a energetic/karmic level or not.

I ask this because i always had some unusual sexual fetishes/deviations, which of course i won't specify here specific details, let's just say that it's different from what most men like, even tough there is many people on the world with the same kind of preferences i have so i am not alone on this. In the past the urges used to be very obsessive because without internet it would be impossible to act upon them with pictures and videos and i suffered a lot because of that, but in the last years after having internet i home i could finally start acting upon them frequently although not in a obsessive way anymore, it's more or less the same frequency as most men do masturbation but i am afraid that this might be feeding negs because these AREN'T normal sexual desires and no one knows for SURE telling me if my specific desires are negative or not, i don't know to whom to ask anymore, and of course, going to sexologists was a mistake i did and that i won't repeat again.

Here's the two main issues :

1 - How exactly do i destroy those fetishes? I am still going to try the method of the skin blemishes marking but let's suppose i am able to get rid of all of those blemished and the sexual fetishes remain unaffected, even in a non-obsessive way, what else can i do besides the usual neg counter measures ? (i ask this because there is many of them i can't do because it would be too obvious to the people that live around me, so i am a bit limited on this) Could the core image method work for dissolving sexual fetishes as well ? If yes tell me if i can use any picture that usually excites me for this purpose or not.

2 - In case i am unable to get rid of these deviations with any of the methods in the book, and since i appear to not have any symptoms of being attacked by succubus or incubus, could this mean they AREN'T related to negs and therefore is SAFE in karmic terms continuing to act upon them in a non-obssessive way? Tell me ANY sexual deviations are always related to negs even if they aren't much obsessive or not related to violence or negative stuff? Is it impossible to have fetishes without having negs involved or without feeding negs? For example if the fetish is about liking a non-sexual body part in women (therefore it's not even related to pornography) and never projecting any negative emotions at all to the target person i have no idea if there is negativity involved on this and neg empowerment. I mostly ask this because if it's true that feeding these desires could ACTUALLY be feeding negs and contributing to the negative glamor i have, i can't be "suppressing" or avoid acting upon these desires forever like priests do, besides i can't believe it's healthy for the body or for the prostate completly eliminating masturbation or denying all sexual desire just because it seems to be feeding negs, because unfortunately this is the only way i have to excite myself to do masturbation, so i am kinda stuck on this and i don't know what to do since having a normal sexual life with a partner like most men is completely impossible because of the unusual desires or even because of the negative glamor i have (which makes it extremely difficult having a girlfriend or a wife or even friends this is why i almost never had friends, except on the internet) therefore i have to do masturbation sometimes as my body feels the need to (if i ignore it, i will get nocturnal emotions anyway).

Oh and to finish one important note i think i never had any of those indications of succubus/incubus attacks fortunately, at least those symptoms you mentioned on the ebook apparently i have none of them, the only problem is that in the past the urges seemed to be a bit stronger than nowadays, but now it's considered a "normal" level of sexual desire for my age (32 years old) the problem is me being in constant doubt if what i am doing is empowering negs or not, even considering that what i like isn't illegal and there isn't any negative emotions projected to the target women on the pictures, and it's not even about erotic/porn stuff, it's all non-nude material and it's not considered offensive by most people.