I've just started the Mastering Astral Projection program. If it's alright with the forum moderators, I would like to post my notes here. This is in part because I prefer typing over writing in the book, and in part because it will keep pressure on me to make accurate notes.

A bit about me: Perhaps my greatest barrier to success in this program is that (as a result of my education and upbringing) I have a considerable dose of skepticism about the concept of OBEs and their components (lucid dreams, energy body work, astral planes and mythical creatures?) I am intrigued though, and I want to move past that skepticism. Reading has convinced me that there something to OBEs, and I want to elminate any latent doubts and have the full experience.

Day 1 Notes:

  • Setting up environment: My apartment is small. The refrigerator turns on sometimes and hums loudly. There is a garbage compactor nearby that makes wheezing noises every few minutes (been meaning to complain to building management about this). The brainwave generator partly covers the noise, but for non-bwgen portions, I will need earplugs.[/*:m:1f0cdt0n]
  • Initial relaxation: Listened to the bwgen for 20 mins while repeating the affirmation in my head. Light pleasant tingling in my feet, sometimes moving up to my calves. Annoyance at the garbage compactor intruding.[/*:m:1f0cdt0n]
  • Relaxation, lower legs: Taking off headphones and inserting earplugs broke the sense of relaxation somewhat. Tensing thighs is difficult to do. After completing the exercise, I don't feel that every muscle in my legs has been tensed and relaxed, mainly just my feet and calves.
    Breathwork: Tried focusing on leading edge of breath, entering nostrils, moving downwards into lungs, swirling about and exiting. Afterwards, tried focusing on chest and abdomen instead -- much less interesting, I'll stick with the leading edge. Didn't feel anything special.[/*:m:1f0cdt0n]
  • Mobile body awareness: Focusing on specific body parts made me feel as though somehow I was "leaning" towards that part (even though my physical body was still). Sometimes I caught my eyes behind closed eyelids looking at the body part I was focusing on. I cannot easily shift my awareness from one place to another, it seems to take time to readjust. Tracing a path takes a long time because it moves very slowly. I spent 20 minutes on this instead of the prescribed 7.[/*:m:1f0cdt0n]

Overall, I think maintaining relaxation and focus between exercises is difficult, because of the timer going off, the earplugs being inserted, the perceived need to review the notes in the book, etc. Need to think of a way to reduce distractions during exercises (e.g. garbage compactor noise) and between exercises.