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    William Buhlman - Books & Newsletters

    I use a grade from 0 - 10 (10 being the best/highest), Books:

    Adventures Beyond the Body / How to experience Out-of-Body travel, 1996, William Buhlman

    GRADE: 9.5

    The most important aspect of this book is that it teaches the reader, it's possible to request abilities
    when OBEd, like "Clarity, now!" and memory recall, which is the main reason I give the book such
    a high grade. Buhlman gives several advice regarding how to OBE and handling LD. The reader is
    encourage to ask several important questions (I put a solid bookmark at one place). Buhlman also
    gives several stories from his own OBEs.

    The chapter about quantum physics and black holes may be completely wrong or at least extremely
    unlikely to be proven right, and can be skipped without losing anything of the important parts on OBE.

    The Secret of the Soul: Using Out-Of-Body Experiences to Understand Our True Nature, 2001 (by Harper), William Buhlman

    GRADE: 8.5

    In my opinion, this book is not as good as Buhlman's first one. In this second book
    there are a lot of stories from various people's experiences. If you want to read short
    accounts of others' experiences, this is a great book. But to me those stories had
    too little new information. I think it can be helpful to people that want to know that
    they are not alone about what they go through.

    There are stories about meeting animals, doing OBEs, going astral or just experiencing
    funny vibrations, distorted time or other paranormal events.

    There are short sections on healing and contact with Higher Self and guides, and also
    some bits about historical OBE:ers in various religious contexts.

    In the later half of the book, Buhlman's describes more about chakras and how
    they are connected to the vibrational state. The book contain some descriptions
    on how to induce OBE and how to do energy work. Some of these parts are good,
    but other parts are a little unclear or cut short, and I think RB has done a better job
    on energy work in his AD book. Nevertheless, Buhlman provides some important info
    like the "Awareness now!" statement.

    At the end of the book there is some statistics from Buhlman's survey over more than
    16000 people on OBEs.

    The book has some ups and down and is not as clear to me as his first book, but I
    still give it a high grade as it takes up a lot of different topics and experiences paired
    with some valuable info.


    I use a grade from 0 - 10 (10 being the best/highest), Newsletters:

    Newsletter Archive, Dec 2002 - Jan 2011, William Buhlman

    GRADE: 5.0 - 7.5

    W Buhlman has been very productive over the years. His Newsletters can
    be read by anyone on the net. It seems to me that there doesn't exist
    any Newsletter from the years 2005 - 2008, or perhaps they have not been
    made public? Buhlman also lived in China between 2004 - 2008.

    Some of his Newsletters are PR for his workshops, books or CDs. Because
    Buhlman mixes high and low in his Newsletters I have a hard time setting
    a fixed grade. The older Newsletters are the better ones.

    Buhlman also has a lot of other material and information on his site ->

    Buhlman doesn't mention a lot of his own experiences. He is more into
    describing the nature of OBEs. His texts contains a little too many words
    a some places.

    Buhlman starts his first Newsletter by answering questions about Castaneda,
    who claimed that there exists beings that feed on non-physical parts of
    humans. Buhlman states that he has never encountered any such beings, and
    that he has more than 30 years of experience. So OBEs seem fairly safe out
    of that aspect.

    Buhlman also states that he has no knowledge about anyone having such
    experiences of beings feeding on humans. It would have been good if Buhlman
    had mentioned something about his stands on Robert Bruce's PSD book.

    Nevertheless, Buhlman mentions that he presents spiritual protection methods
    in The Secret of the Soul, but those methods seem mostly to do with not
    letting other people drain you of energy. (I haven't read, only ordered, this
    book, so I can't comment on it in this moment of writing.)

    Buhlman says that fear based beliefs restrict us, and we should avoid such
    restricting beliefs.

    He also believes that we can communicate with some subconscious part of
    other awake people while we are OBE, as people only remember his OBE
    interactions if they have been dreaming in sleep.

    Buhlman doesn't give much for LDs, as he considers LDs to be partial awareness,
    but he says that LDs can be upgraded to become fully conscious OBEs by some
    techniques, for example repeating "Awareness now!". Buhlman considers this
    statement to be a very important power phrase to improve OBE experiences.
    It is important to repeat the phrase until your get an improvement of your
    non-physical perceptions.

    It seems to me that the phrase "Awareness now!", may break the Alice-in-Wonderland
    effect and perhaps keep you steadily in the RTZ. The reason for some OBEs
    to be perceived as dreams is mostly due to low non-physical power. Requesting
    Awareness raises the non-physical energy flowing through your chakras.

    By requesting Awareness now, you are shifting your awareness inward, within
    yourself, within the universe that is you. Your surroundings will fade for a
    moment as they are rebuilt. Then your surroundings will become sharper until
    a new non-physical reality will become manifest around you, and you have
    shifted to a so called "higher or finer vibrational state".

    Buhlman mentions interesting details from his OBE workshops. He has also
    done a survey over a lot of people in an almost scientific way. During
    his OBE workshops he conducts a shamanic style fire ceremony.

    Buhlman notices that a lot of his pupils get into the vibrational state
    before or even after an OBE, and many are shocked or even terrified by
    the intensity of the vibrations. The vibrations can be accompanied by
    humming or buzzing sounds.

    If the vibrations become too disturbing, you can practice to do LDs so you
    reach F 22, but then you have go over into an OBE by other means.

    He also states that the human chakra development is a major element of our
    evolution to become a fully conscious multidimensional being. The vibrational
    state in the body is the result of chakra development.

    Buhlman takes a good bash against religions, priests and belief systems, which
    he thinks limits people in their non-physical development. Buhlman's attack
    on religions takes almost bulb-like proportions.

    Instead of clinging to religion, Buhlman encourages people to seek spiritual
    experience, as religion answers nothing and only contains unsubstansiated

    Buhlman gives some example of how-to-OBE. For example if you hear train sounds
    during the vibrational stage, imagine yourself as the engineer riding the
    train out of your body.

    He also mentions something which are named "soul groups", small groups of
    people we are connected to non-physically. (The soul groups are not the same
    as the Monroe/Moen I-There/Disk. The soul group more seems to be related to
    the Moen shrimps in F 27, connected by strings at the Reentry Station.)

    Buhlman states that to go OBE, Out-Of-Body, you actually have to move inwardly
    within yourself. Mentally reject all concepts of space. Time does not exist
    beyond the body. The single most important key is the focus of your awareness
    during your OBE!

    The reason to the melting-hand phenomena is due to the increase of non-physical
    energy received, which challenges your mind's creation. This is my interpretation
    of Buhlman's writings: You look at your hands which increases your awareness of
    yourself, and at the same time raises something called your "personal vibration
    ", which puts you in a state where the temporary creation of your
    non-physical hands are not needed.

    The Newsletter from May 2003 contains some detailed instructions for having
    OBEs, and for using the 4 CDs to achieve OBE, by use of Chakra & Targeting

    Buhlman writes about how setting goals on paper will help you manifest unseen
    energies to help you reach your goals. Focused intention creates a subtle
    energy mold, which will help you achieve your goals when you take action.

    Then Buhlman talks about the "Training Ground". First imagine that you live
    in a perfect world where all your thoughts manifest themselves as you wish.
    Then imagine undisciplined or immature souls wreak havoc, create disastrous
    conflicts and devastation, destroying the reality for everyone.

    So there is a need for a Training Ground.

    So... Welcome to your physical life.

    The Ultimate Training Ground.
    Last edited by PauliEffect; 18th November 2012 at 01:39 AM.

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