I have been using it for some time, and while it doesn't remove the problems completely, it seems to make the area around you inhospitable for spirits and reduces the strength of attachments.

It's called a Lumin Disk.


Whether or not it will be effective for everyone, or if it just works in my circumstances I'm not sure. But I thought you all deserved to know that I have found a bit of peace because of this device. Also it's neat to look at, so that's a bonus.

Having it in your area seems to help, and holding it seems to cause problems for spirits making attachments to you, and they loosen their grip a bit. I have also found that placing it on a sheet of aluminum foil seems to increase it's strength, though touching the foil will give you a slight shock.

Hopefully some of you out there can use this to get a bit of relief. Good luck in your struggles.