Recurring dream, or two that mixed together. Started out in the environment in which I had to get through water to get to my car to get to work (was in some sort of pier). After going through a lot to get into the car I was transported to a previous background, involving my grandmother's house and the house I used to live in, something about kids going on a shooting spree, and then finding out they were harmless, then back to my mother's house in which she was angry at me and refused to talk to me. This went on for a while and I was back in the water environment, where a male 'in charge' had asked me to make flowers with the material provided by whoever provided it. I made lilies, and when he went to check he was not happy because he had asked me to make roses, but I explained that I was not provided the parts for roses. He then went away, and when I went to my car, anticipating the problems getting to it through water again (I did not want to get wet now) I found that it had moved to dry dock and made it easier to get into.
Then I went back and forth to my mother's house a few times, and soon woke up.