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Thread: Gravity Manipulation

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  1. #10

    Re: Gravity Manipulation

    Yeh the whole fantasy vs reality illusion. Kool. Ok lets play the polar opposites game. The coin is heads.... nuh uh.. the coin is tails... nuh uh.. heads... tails... something... nothing... reality... fantasy... its all in ur mind... whats all in my mind? ?... umm reality?
    Polar opposites set themselves up to create movement, an unbalancing. In unity opposites are united. But unity is an awfully boring thing, u cant do anything with this absolute indivisible nothingness, until u realise that u can, it all starts with turning it into something, tho its nothing, it flips back and forth in perpetual indecisive flux blah blah. Woohoo the unity ball has been shattered. We get delineation, logic is a tool that helps with this. Its basic premise is that a thing can not both be what it is and what it is not simultaneously, mutual exclusion. Hence the understanding that opposites are united, tranceSends logic. Meh, logic's a fairly mechanical intelligence construct anyway, "there aint no life in logic". Anyways polar opposites often like to set themselves up seated at opposite ends of them long, sometimes infinitely long dinner tables( the infinite ones are like Soo joy, cos there's like room for like everyone to be seated like anywhere they might like, and what's not to like about that then?) Movement along the table is a matter of degree. So be seated and fancy feasting with reality and fantasy for a bit. Then comes that inevitable question, 'Can u pass the ketchup please?' Ok, how far? We need a way of measuring how far along the dining room table we've moved. For the reality/fantasy feasting I find it convenient to use the notion of CONSISTENCY, for woteva that might consist of, perhaps ketchup in this case if it helps u catch up to whats going on. The more consistent a thing is, the closer to Real is that thing, the less consistent the more we'd be dining with Fantasy. This removes the whole absolutist fantasy versus reality not dead but dyingchotomy. Now instead of the absolutist game, we get to play the relative game(and dont u just luv it when relatives come round for din dins?) Cos as it turns out fantasy and reality are but relatives seated at the same dining table discussing there relative back and forth merits and in the process clearly showing that they consist of different degrees of pretty much the same stuff. Not that surprising really cos it all came from the same undifferentiated nothngness/somethingness unity ball, that isnt really there even tho it is.
    Reality or fantasy... same difference
    Last edited by MysterSynIcysm; 13th January 2014 at 11:31 AM.
    As I sleep I lie awake,
    For I have entered a different state.

    It is somewhat prudent to ensure one is well versed with the rules of out sane
    Before one commits to going in sane.

    Lying With The Truth
    I lay with truth, I lie with truth,
    For truth I'd surely die!
    Yet lying with truth, mislays the truth,
    For the truth is,
    It's a lie!?

    I am Nature,
    (Such is my nature)

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