I had a weird experience, hope that you can give me more of an insight of this:
Last night at about 20:20, while I was meditating on my third eye for a while(after perstimulating), than I suddenly saw my phone on lockscreen, with the clock at 21:26. It wasn't very detailed(it didn't show the date) but it was detailed and similar enough to convince me that was my phone. After I saw that, I opened my eyes and started to think about it: "What the hell did it mean? What will happen at that time?" Than I heard a telepathic voice, it said: "This is the time that you'll open your third eye."
I stopped meditating after that and started doing something else, but I was sitting on the same chair and not moving very much, so I still was in a light meditative state. I did that until it was about 21:10, after that I thought, if I was gonna do that, I had do something, so I set myself up for another meditation session. After a while, I visualized something that just had popped into my mind, to activate and "open" my third eye as well as removing a blockage from it. I felt pressure on my brow chakra while doing this, but nothing painful or so. After completing it, I started to see some colors with my closed eyelids, they were pale though. At that point, I heard the telepathic voice again, it said:"Open your eyes, take your phone and check it". I than asked: "Right now?" And it replied: "Yeah, right now." As the smartphones are capable of providing notifications on lockscreen, looking at it was enough. So I opened my eyes, picked up my phone, and looked at the lockscreen to see the exact vision I had while meditating about an hour ago. The time was 21:26, just like I saw.
This proves some stuff for me, and marks my progress about clairvoyance.
And about the second experience: I started to see auras I think, but not competely sure, which is the main reason that I ask insight from you about these.
I was trying to levitate my pencil, after getting inspired by reading posts about PK in this forum. The post was actually talking about psi wheel, but it was also about being spiritually open to things, so I took that part. The reason that I didn't try psi wheel was I already did that successfully in the past. My pencil is almost completely black, with a little blue and metal unpainted gray metal at the head of it. I focused on my pencil, talked to it mentally(I said:"You are under my complete control, I can move you however I want, so go up" and stuff like that. That is something to boost your belief and focus better on it) and kept gazing nearly below it, to the shadow it was making. It was on a book with a bright white paper, and also not parallel to the ground, so it was touching the book on its two sides and I looked upon the shadow visible through that hole between these two sides. After a while and on the book an area around the pencil became brighter. With the blibk on my eyes though, it was going back to normal, just to reappear within a few seconds on another focused look. I didn't see any colors, it just was brighter than it normally was.
Than I got an apple slice which was recently divided into 4, put that slice on the book and continued gazing it. The same white thing appared on the book again, and this time it looked like the reflection of the apple slice above but much more thinner than the pencil.
I also saw more bright areas on the book near the other objects around it, though they disappeared almost instantly the moment I moved my focus to those objects. And I also saw that if I had let my gaze to be relaxed enough, my vision would go blur with an increased white on everything I see(the objects were blurry and more white than they actually are).
I think I started to be able to see energy&auras somehow, but I want to be sure about this.
Any comments?
With love,