I was in some sort of field trip to a dark and dreary place- like a picnic gone terribly wrong. It was dark (I suspect real time, as it was the early predawn) we were on a beach, but the water was dirty, there was garbage on the beach, and the kids did not look healthy. There was a lot of unpleasantness. I remember thinking "I've outgrown the desire to come to these things." and then, on the other side of the water, in what looked like some sort of platform, there was a bright explosion, and I, on the other side of the beach/water, could feel the searing heat on my skin. I told the people around me "we need to start running now" and as we ran, pieces of what looked like clothes fell behind us, amongst other flying metal projectiles. Once it was over, I made sure everyone was ok, and then started looking for my brother. Then I saw him in another part of the area we were taking cover in, and he was fine. Then the dream ended with a sound like a shot. I woke up. I think the sound was 'real' and woke me up. Don't know what it was.