Keeping a dream journal has always been of benefit to me, but I haven't kept one for well over a year due to the stresses of daily life. I've decided to start one up right here. Let's dive in...


We are at E's school. My wife, a friend (D), and me. I find myself under some kind of primitive structure, it looks like a wigwam or tent of some kind, made of salvaged materials. It's raining and it doesn't provide enough shelter. We seem to be talking about something. I go inside the school to use the bathroom. It's empty except for a woman who used to work there, her back is turned towards me and I think she is picking up toys. She's facing a wall. I use the bathroom and start to head back out when My wife and D come in, also wanting to use the bathroom.


My wife and I are in the car, she's asking where I want to go to eat. I want to go explore some of the more remote parts of the area, but she insists on eating at Taco Bell. Well, okay I guess... We go to Taco Bell, I'm not happy about it. I am served a "taco burger" that actually looked pretty good. I was still complaining, when my friend, B, tells me to just eat it. B lives in the apartment above Taco Bell?? I take a bite of my burger. It's actually pretty good-- two large patties, sour cream, taco seasoning. I didn't realize Taco Bell served this sort of thing.


Not my most exciting dreams, but you have to start somewhere.