Multiverse theory: Pseudo-Occult and Dynamic science

There have been many theories proclaiming of a Multiverse in which the Universe we live in is a small part of the whole. What they are trying to get at is that it’s possible that there is another you within another Universe; A you that decides to make another choice that you decided not to make; A you that does the other variable you should have chosen like within a yes or no question.

What does this mean to you?
Well for starters, it means you are definitely not alone within a multiverse. I guess at the same time, you could call it a different dimension. If you’re living in sorrow, pain, grief, and poverty, the other version of you who decided that it wasn’t supposed to be that way is experiencing happiness, joy, and a great life being rich. Of course, there could also be another you who just blew up the earth or cured cancer or something.

What does it have to do with astral projection?
I’ve seen the question over and over again from people who are on their last whim towards possible suicide and harsh depression. The question went something like this: Is it possible to go back into my younger self and do this all over again? It would go towards a much different answer like yes, you could go back into your younger self or quite possibly into another variable of yourself; another dimension where you did it all right.

You could simply astral project into another dimension to the variable that brought you towards everything. There is no doubt that there is an enlightened you in another dimension. The thing is, when you do project into that dimension, you will live it. The you in the dimension you came from will continue to live on. It won’t even notice you were gone or if it even worked, but you will be the only person who knew that it did work.

There seems to be another useless fact is that when you go back, it was just another variable that would have only happened had you gone into that body and done it.

One more thing:
If everything I have said here does relate to multiverses and everything that happens, it proves that the entire universe itself and all the planets and such are all just illusions of the mind. Our bodies are illusions, our minds are illusions and everything tangible is an illusion. If by the power of your mind you were able to go and change your own fate by changing the destination you will arrive at because of a small variable you were able to exploit by the power of will, it proves that all blockades, triumphs and tribulations, hardships and all are just illusions if you could simply change everything had you successfully changed the decision after it was set in stone.