I say my first experience but in truth I have been doing energy work for a long time in ignorance because of influences like Starwars, Dragon Ball Z, kung fu and trying to move things with my mind... I just came upon this sort of thing naturally while thinking about powerful cosmic beings and imagining how their bodies might work and then pretending I was one of them, but I didn't realize what I was doing.

Several days ago I was reading the evolution book trying out each exercise as I read through it (except the banishment ritual)
I did the energy work on my hands, then I did some work on my 3rd eye chakra since it's the easiest one for me to feel and activate. I felt a strong pressure in my temples and figured I should have activated my other chakras first so I stopped with my 3rd eye. After that I tried remote healing my friend who lives very far from me. She has some emotional pain and I wanted to send some love into her.

Finally I tried astral projecting. I have been trying it before but this time I tried with the new technique of imagining a my body above me and cycling energy through it. And I also said "Help me astral project." to my higher self. I woke up around 9am the next day with strong tinnitus as if I had just come out of a concert playing loud music. It concerned me because I don't remember that ever happening to me before so I prayed (to God) to heal me. The tinnitus faded away around noon time and I felt mildly exhausted. I know I had a dream but I couldn't remember any of it. Also before that I would see a wormhole as I was waking up, like I was traveling through hyperspace but I haven't seen it since. If anyone can explain why the wormhole isn't showing up I'd like to know.