Theres nothing wrong with being tired, everyone needs to rest some time.

You need to tell me what the illusions I believe are.
If you perceive them from the last dream entries, you should know, my brother and I realized today they started the same time our friend stopped taking his meds which caused a bad schizophrenic episode. We were letting him come over out of sympathy but we should not have. He touched my head. His energy was physically painful to me. It is very likely he was the cause of the dreams, and they might have had nothing to do with me. It is very common for that kind of cross-over to happen. The only way I can know this or that thoughts or problem is not mine but someone elses is if it is very out of character for me and/or has no other identifiable cause. I knew from the start it was external. Once the source is identified it is no problem. Many people have problems with cross-over, especially healers.