Hello there, it is going to be a little long, but I'd like to share this experience because of its particular nature.
This morning, after years of wondering what the vibrations are, and what to do with those, I finally turned the paralysis in a 'jump out'. Actually at the beginning I was denying that the paralysis was going to happen, but then before of the vibrations I heard the voice of a friend telling me that 'she knew it was happening to me'.
It was the first time, but I was expecting to find myself in my room, and so it was, I was not scared, because I knew what was going on. But, once out, like everyone, I think my brain looked for a safe place, and so I directed myself toward my flatmates room. Only the willing to be there made in way I found myself there without doing all the 'home path': I physically walked only some steps into my room, then I found myself in my mate's room. I knew that in that moment he was sleeping with his girlfriend.
Here happened the strange thing. Once in the room, I found him already coming towards me, his face was nice, and in a first time he looked to be friendly BUT like pushing me back to the door. Since for me my mate is a friendly instance, I approached him without fear, and I just took his arm. But, then I noticed that in the room there were two Roger and two Jenny (name respectively of my mate and his GF). That was weird. Two in the bed and two around her. I spent some second to realize, but then two of them, the 'not on bed ones' started to be less friendly and to fight with the two on the bed.
I did not know what to do and I just went near the Jenny 'out of the bed'. Since I did not have an explanation, I looked to her and I said 'you are not Jenny, you are REI (Rei is the name of a girl me and Roger know). At this point two things happened: 1) her face changed, she was ugly and her eyes darker, not absolutely Jenny. 2) I looked into her eyes and her into me. I lost the control of my voice. I could not say REI correctly but I actually looking at her. Anyway in that moment I thought: 'what if she goes out there where there's my body?'. This thought brought me in my body instantaneously.

Of course, when back I was a bit afraid, but then I spent my morning thinking and thinking. I had the feeling it was impossible to be harmed, at least scared. I had the perception that the 'extra Roger and Jenny' were not friendly, but also that my attempt to rationalize them give me was enough not to have consequences.
Anyway I'm not sure. Is it ok to go where other people are sleeping during OBE? And, btw, was it OBE. It could not be an ordinary dream because I knew I was 'awake'. I decided to go in Roger's room and everything. I had the control. Roger's bad was in an other position than usual.

Thanks for every kind of interpretation and suggestions.