I had a dream in wich I was in a bus with a Brasilian friend. He was praying out loud next to me. His prayer was unlike any normal one, very decriptive and sometimes funny cause he made some jokes. Everybody on the bus could hear. Specially two men who were in the front row were talking about this. Suddenly the bus stops and a very beatifull young girl gets in. She sits in an individual seat in our left (one of the front seats). I had some stuff on my lap that I was tring to hold not to fall but this stuff was kinda floating and I wanted her to see this for some reason. Then I turn around and she was on a new individual seat. One of my gym mates was sitting next to her. He was sitting in a chair that had nothing to do with the bus. He was flirting with her, then he kisses her neck and she opposes some ressistance but could easily tell she liked it and was following the game. When I tell my friend about the situation he tells me not to worry. Then I become lucid and say to myself I can kiss her, I have control. When i'm in front of her I feel a very strong resistance. Like a magnetic force that separates us when I try to approach her. I was clear in my mind that I had control. I manage to bring her in front of me with a lot of effort and I get to kiss her lower lip, but it was a short kiss. She was like standding still oposing no resistence but felt kind of indiferent to it. Then the same force separates us. Suddenly a lot of younger guys come to me angry about what I did. I was absolutly calmed at all times. I knew I was in control so one by one I started vanishing them with my mind. I was like, you are not here, dissapear! then I turned my back and he was gone. Then there were too many, all comming at once to me and for some reason they were all dressed in white. Then I decide to fly away of the bus. I could see below a massive amount of these guys all in white. The scene was fully lightened, lots of grass and a rocky coast not far away. My flight was erratic. I lost height until I concentrated and gained it again. Then I feel one of them hanging from my legs until I get rid of him and throw him away.
Does any of you know who these guys were and why they all came to me so aggressively?