After lots of long session work I am aware more and more of very noticeable energy sensations down the tops of my legs, predominantly my right. I'm spending most of time of time on the lower chakras as my higher ones seem pretty active but for some reason all the sensations seems to be manifesting in my legs.

Starts off as localized numbness. Then a hot or cold feeling where you can't quite tell which end of the heat spectrum it resides, and then ultimately stinging pains at random points down my legs (mainly my thighs though). These sensation are only on the surface I've noticed. Maybe cobwebs? The sensations hang around for a good couple of hours after a session.

I suppose in a way i'm a little annoyed because I\m trying really hard to get some activity out of my lazy base chakra and all the time my legs just wanna play even when I'm not really doing any energy work there besides sponging energy up through them.

Any of this sound familiar to anyone?