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Thread: Luke's Dream/etc Journal

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  1. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Southeast Alaska

    Re: Luke's Dream/etc Journal

    I had a 'dream' wherein I was being taught about crystal skulls. There was a few people there they all seemed to be masters. When I woke I still had a psychic link with them and they were still talking (it happens). They said the skulls are for ancient souls. I don't remember much of what they said so I'm not going to speculate (better to just investigate).

    Not a dream per se. It was a healing that took all night, but there were many visions (and this is a dream vision etc journal because I notice little difference between it all);
    It started with a desire to heal a friend (I worked secretly one night while she was asleep). The next night she said she was having terrible burning pain running down her arm. "Like claws." She said it was never so bad. Sensing the pain, her dog came up to her, licking her arm all over. "Help me please" she told me- my intense nurturing side immediately took the drivers seat. I began with a simple massage. It didn't work so I went into more energy work. The energy in her arm was bizarre. Like a mad 3d mosaic of quickly shifting metal plates and pieces. Her pain is so intense I feel it in my hands. I managed to straighten the channels in her arm out. I followed intuition and hugged it, filling it with clear blue water. I didnt sense anything wrong with her arm anymore, but she still had symptoms. I followed them to her brain, it was full of the metal. I felt uncomfortable using water in someones head. So I used an alternate. As soon as I touched her head the pain subsided. But I was not comfortable tinkering around in her brains. So the energy was still there but subdued. She took a long bath. I kept checking on her between short naps.

    I woke to a group of spirits attacking me. They were ravaging the right side of my neck badly. Suddenly, like a trapped wolf my energy went into full offensive mode. My aura exploded, literally, into a fiery vortex pealing off me, spiraling and burning all the creatures in the room. I look at my neck and do some quick repairs, pulling out what seems to be an embedded claw.
    After the explosion an angel come down through the ceiling into the center of the room. I immediately think it is Yahoel. He bends over to hold my friends feet. She had lost consciousness on the way back to bed and was laying on the floor. I wonder if he is going to take care of it by himself. Yahoel looks at me and says "Help me."
    I get out of bed and hold her feet like he is. I unfurl my wings (ahhhh feels great). We send white light throughout her body. She comes to. From what she said it sounded like she got out of the tub, then fell to the floor from the pain in a blackout on the way to bed. She was very grateful for me saving her from the pain. I told her about the angel.

    By now I realized it was no ordinary illness, but some kind of entity(s) was the root cause. At this I felt my energy and connections suddenly shut off. I investigated. Shortly above my head was a mass of that vicious energy. I enter it. It takes me through a portal. As I travel through everything becomes very dark. On the other side is nothing but slashing, cutting, pointy, metallic, viscous energy. I sense the world. There is no similarity to any I have been in. There is no graceful or curving energy. It feels mechanical too. I am told that it is an ancient failed universe. The inhabitants and everything in it were suppose to decay into nothingness, but they manage to prolong their life by feeding on people from other universes. They use portals to accomplish it.

    I leave their f'ed up world and focus on the room. "Leave this universe and return to your own! You are not allowed here! You do not belong here!" (I dont shout it physically) I tag references to my words, such as powerful beings in this universe.
    I get to the business of pushing them back through their portals, and collapsing the length of the gateway behind them them.

    My friend's symptoms finally disappear.

    I decide to spend the remainder of the night meditating. As I do her dog (rottweiler) comes up to me, he is moving oddly and seems to be having some kind of seizure. He begins licking me all over. Every time he licks me I convulse. The dog was transferring energy from him to me. The energy is from the healings he had done on his master, but was unable to process fully. The energy he transferred caused me to shake and twitch uncontrollably. I offered an alternate way, I gathered it all in a ball in front of me. He stopped licking and sat there as I gathered it. The energy I gathered from the dog was very different from what I was dealing with before. It was icy cold. I held the ball for some time trying to decide what it was and what to do with it. "What am I suppose to do with this?" I say out loud. "Throw it away" -the answer. So I go to the parking lot and channel it plus any other unwanted residual energy into a patch of dirt to be dispersed and metabolized by the planet.

    In the morning we notice some battle 'scars'. She has some bite marks on her arm. I have a bruise on my leg that appeared sometime during the healing (It takes a lot to bruise me). The right side of my neck was quite painful and sensitive to touch, but it got better over time (for the most part).

    EDIT: I forgot to mention. The top of my head hurt too, very sensitive to touch. I noticed an open crack in my skull that wasn't there before. It is about 2cm by 13mm. I don't know how it got there or why. I would like to think it is for better communication.
    Last edited by mystyx; 28th October 2015 at 10:41 PM. Reason: one other thing

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